Like all regional rail lines in South Australia, the line pictured in our banner above is supposed to be maintained
to an operational level such that trains could pass over them within two weeks' notice (!) What do you think?
to an operational level such that trains could pass over them within two weeks' notice (!) What do you think?
In a late afternoon talk on Jules Schiller’s ABC 891 Drive program on Friday June 28, 2019 the issue of bad congestion on the SE Freeway raised its ugly head, yet again.
Schiller and an RAA representative discussed traffic congestion in metro Adelaide in general, but one of the on-going issues is the mounting pressure on the SE Freeway.
It was too good an opportunity for SARRA to miss….and Russ, our Campaign Manager, rang in to highlight the need for the Hills Bypass Rail Link to be built, which would accelerate the possibility of passenger train services being run to Mt Barker, the Adelaide Hills generally, and beyond.
In a brief discussion with Schiller, Russ was able to point out, under questioning, that SARRA has put this and other issues to the current State Government - and have had NO response.
Schiller was shocked, and indicated that he would get SARRA and Stephan Knoll into the studio to face-off on the matter, to which Russ readily agreed.
We eagerly look forward to that debate….but we think that Knoll will refuse because of the 'wood' we have on him…time will tell!
In the meantime, have a listen to the edited (and truncated) piece on ABD 891 Drive, by clicking on our audio below (lasts 3mins 35secs approx).
(If you want to hear all of Schiller’s discussion on the matter, go to the ABC’s website here: )
Schiller and an RAA representative discussed traffic congestion in metro Adelaide in general, but one of the on-going issues is the mounting pressure on the SE Freeway.
It was too good an opportunity for SARRA to miss….and Russ, our Campaign Manager, rang in to highlight the need for the Hills Bypass Rail Link to be built, which would accelerate the possibility of passenger train services being run to Mt Barker, the Adelaide Hills generally, and beyond.
In a brief discussion with Schiller, Russ was able to point out, under questioning, that SARRA has put this and other issues to the current State Government - and have had NO response.
Schiller was shocked, and indicated that he would get SARRA and Stephan Knoll into the studio to face-off on the matter, to which Russ readily agreed.
We eagerly look forward to that debate….but we think that Knoll will refuse because of the 'wood' we have on him…time will tell!
In the meantime, have a listen to the edited (and truncated) piece on ABD 891 Drive, by clicking on our audio below (lasts 3mins 35secs approx).
(If you want to hear all of Schiller’s discussion on the matter, go to the ABC’s website here: )
Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA) - a State Government Dept - is touring the regions as part of preparing a Regional Development Strategy to help grow regional economies, support people living in regional communities, and looking at ways that regional South Australia can revitalise and prosper.
The ‘Strategy Roadshow’ hit the Barossa on Thursday June 20, 2019 - so our local SARRA rep went along to bring to the attention of the Strategy’s Committee the issue of passenger and tourist rail to the region - and to rural SA generally. |
The event (sadly attended by only 15 people, most of whom were regional Council reps or other public servants) was what they call in political parlance, a ‘listening post’, ie: “We’re ‘all ears’....we’ll prepare a report for ‘the brain’....but we can’t guarantee ‘the brain’ will do anything about it...”.
That’s not to say the Strategy has no purpose - there are good people on the Advisory Panel - but it smacks to us of ‘the brain’ putting into place a mechanism which says ‘the brain’ is listening, when in in fact little will come of it. As we know, ‘the brain’ - the Marshall Government - has no brains at all....
Nevertheless, the Advisory Panel is calling for written submissions - and SARRA will be forcefully putting the case for a return of regional rail passenger and freight services as the vital ‘backbone’ of regional and rural revitalisation.
Have a listen (see below) to what the SARRA rep told the Roadshow (audio runs just 3mins 30secs) - then why not prepare your own email calling for the return of regional rail to SA, and send it to the Strategy Committee....
Here’s the email address: [email protected] (and include this in the Subject bar of your email....’Regional Development Strategy discussion paper feedback’ .....(if it doesn’t pop up there automatically).
Maybe if we all shout loudly enough, we might blow the wax out of the Marshall Government’s ears....
That’s not to say the Strategy has no purpose - there are good people on the Advisory Panel - but it smacks to us of ‘the brain’ putting into place a mechanism which says ‘the brain’ is listening, when in in fact little will come of it. As we know, ‘the brain’ - the Marshall Government - has no brains at all....
Nevertheless, the Advisory Panel is calling for written submissions - and SARRA will be forcefully putting the case for a return of regional rail passenger and freight services as the vital ‘backbone’ of regional and rural revitalisation.
Have a listen (see below) to what the SARRA rep told the Roadshow (audio runs just 3mins 30secs) - then why not prepare your own email calling for the return of regional rail to SA, and send it to the Strategy Committee....
Here’s the email address: [email protected] (and include this in the Subject bar of your email....’Regional Development Strategy discussion paper feedback’ .....(if it doesn’t pop up there automatically).
Maybe if we all shout loudly enough, we might blow the wax out of the Marshall Government’s ears....
If you live on - or travel to - the Eyre Peninsula from May 31, 2019, driving on EP roads is about to become very much more dangerous as thousands more truck movements clog local roads due to the closure of the EP Grain rail lines.
Both the State Government - and the local (current) Federal Member for Grey Rohan Ramsey - have agreed to the change-over and have officially announced paltry road-repair funding in the hope that the people of the EP will forgive their total lack of effort in keeping the grain trains running.
But...’too little, too late’ boys!
Wheat farmers and the residents of the EP are disgusted with both the State and Federal governments for not doing more to keep the EP grain trains running.
And former Labor State governments can take a major share of the blame too.
If Labor had any care about the Eyre Peninsula, they would have years ago forced rail operator Genesee Wyoming Australia to meet its legally-binding Lease agreement with the State - a Lease which states in black-and-white that the grain rail lines (and other regional and rural rail lines) must be maintained in fully operational condition.
Little wonder, looking forward, that grain-handler Viterra could see the writing on the silos -- with no line upgrades, the prospect of the rail service failing completely would likely leave their business exposed. With GWA allegedly wanting more money for a failing service, it’s little wonder that road-haulage became Viterra’s only viable option.
But that’s where the State Government should have stepped in and INSISTED that the lines be upgraded as per GWA’s Lease - and insisted that the fees charged for rail haulage be such that it remained economic for user Viterra.
BUT NO! Easier to let rail fail, then throw (a measly) $30m to road upgrades - and hope the problem goes away....
With thousands more truck movements on the Eyre Peninsula now, the lives and well-being of Eyre Peninsula people will be at significantly more risk - not to mention the effect the tsunami of trucks on their roads will have on their - and the region’s - productivity.
SARRA will continue the fight against this abomination.
If you live on - or travel to - the Eyre Peninsula from May 31, 2019, driving on EP roads is about to become very much more dangerous as thousands more truck movements clog local roads due to the closure of the EP Grain rail lines.
Both the State Government - and the local (current) Federal Member for Grey Rohan Ramsey - have agreed to the change-over and have officially announced paltry road-repair funding in the hope that the people of the EP will forgive their total lack of effort in keeping the grain trains running.
But...’too little, too late’ boys!
Wheat farmers and the residents of the EP are disgusted with both the State and Federal governments for not doing more to keep the EP grain trains running.
And former Labor State governments can take a major share of the blame too.
If Labor had any care about the Eyre Peninsula, they would have years ago forced rail operator Genesee Wyoming Australia to meet its legally-binding Lease agreement with the State - a Lease which states in black-and-white that the grain rail lines (and other regional and rural rail lines) must be maintained in fully operational condition.
Little wonder, looking forward, that grain-handler Viterra could see the writing on the silos -- with no line upgrades, the prospect of the rail service failing completely would likely leave their business exposed. With GWA allegedly wanting more money for a failing service, it’s little wonder that road-haulage became Viterra’s only viable option.
But that’s where the State Government should have stepped in and INSISTED that the lines be upgraded as per GWA’s Lease - and insisted that the fees charged for rail haulage be such that it remained economic for user Viterra.
BUT NO! Easier to let rail fail, then throw (a measly) $30m to road upgrades - and hope the problem goes away....
With thousands more truck movements on the Eyre Peninsula now, the lives and well-being of Eyre Peninsula people will be at significantly more risk - not to mention the effect the tsunami of trucks on their roads will have on their - and the region’s - productivity.
SARRA will continue the fight against this abomination.
Kilometers of the Eyre Peninsula rail grain-line are set to be ripped up as part of a so-far-secret Federal/ State Government deal which will forever see the end of economic, efficient and safe movement of grain by rail on the EP.
SARRA is in possession of a letter from the Federal Member for Grey, Rowan Ramsey, which unequivocally states that he recommends an important length of the grain rail-line into Port Lincoln be ripped up in favour of heavy-vehicle road transport of the EP's grain haulage. SARRA believes the letter exposes the apparent collusion between the State and Federal governments to deliberately deny the Eyre Peninsula the benefits of rail freight transport. This letter from Ramsey forms the last piece of the jigsaw which SARRA believes brings to light governments’ underhandedness and determination to see the permanent and forever end of rail grain-train services on the EP. This sniffs of ‘back-scratching and deals done’ to suit all parts of governments, the State bureaucracy and the transport lobby - to the ultimate detriment of the people of the EP. We ask: What has been going on behind closed doors? |
ONE YEAR DOWN, THREE TO GO.... will the Libs get their act together?
Sunday March 17 2019 saw the First Anniversary of the Marshall Liberal Government, setting off champagne corks through Parliament House and Members’ electorate offices (hopefully, not at taxpayer’s expense!).
While the party poppers sent streamers into the sky, we at SARRA must remain party poopers as the first anniversary brings no joy to regional South Australia with the Premier and Transport Minister remaining dazzled by the metropolitan area and the car and truck lobby as they trip over their feet to re-organise metropolitan roads - and shutdown and reduce public transport services. How dare the workers want to use them!
And heaven help you poor buggers who choose to live in the regions! How dare you want passenger rail services! And how dare you suggest that rail freight could take hundreds of trucks of regional and rural roads, making them safer! How dare you suggest that regional and rural rail would spark a revival in regional economies! How dare you suggest regional rail would grow rural SA and boost tourism! What would you know?
You don’t live in the metropolitan area (and who cares that you underpin SA’s flagging economy by many billions of dollars each year - and pay commensurate taxes)!
We’re doing fine here on North Terrace, go back to tending your cows (sorry that milk prices are down), and keep growing your grain....(Ohh! You live on the Eyre Peninsula do you? Watch out for the hundreds of trucks which now must carry your grain because the train lines have closed!)
...The BEST thing about the First Anniversary of the Marshall Government is that there’s only three years left now before we can turf ‘em out!
Based on their first year, life ain’t going to get any better for rural South Australians. The simple fact is that unless Marshall reinstates rural rail as the ‘backbone’ of the rejuvenation and revival of Rural and Regional SA, then his government will be a ‘one-trick pony’.
Being ‘apolitical’ means of course that SARRA acknowledges that the Labor Party has proven to be no better than the LIBS (either in their long years in Office), or since, as they warm the Opposition benches. SARRA has given the Labor Party the opportunity to show their concern for rural South Australians by committing to the rebuild and revitalisation of regional rail passenger and freight services. So far, we’ve heard nothing from them despite their initial eagerness to talk with us.
In any event, both parties now have 3 years to get their acts together on regional rail. Hey guys! The destiny clock is ticking! 36 months, and counting down!
Stay tuned....we're going to place here shortly a 'blueprint' for action by both parties to get rerional rail happening again!
We interviewed Mr Pasin before his road-train left the Barossa, about how he saw the future of regional rail in South Australia. Pull up a coffee and have a listen to our audio interview with him (lasts 8 minutes). Tony was in general, supportive - and while it would take a political 'train wreck' of never-before-seen proportions to see Tony turfed at the upcoming election, the political 'horse' he sits on is almost certainly heading for the knackery. Nevertheless, his political position gives him access to SHOUT LOUDLY into the vacuous political brain on North Tce to ensure our message - YOUR message - gets heard, and gets action taken. Let's hope he does so.
Roads around Port Lincoln on the Eyre Peninsula are about to be flooded by heavy-haulage trucks following a decision by Viterra to end grain haulage by rail after May 31, 2019.
SARRA predicted this would happen as far back as November 2018 - and our worst nightmares for the people of the EP have come to pass.
Our understanding is that Genesee Wyoming Australia was asking just too much for rail haulage in a new Contract to replace the current financial arrangements.
Despite the EP grain lines being part of GWA's rail-line Lease with the SA Government (for which it paid just ONE LOUSY DOLLAR) - AND not replacing its ageing rolling stock - NOR upgrading EP tracks since leasing the lines - it is clear that GWA was asking far too much from Viterra in the new deal.
In the meantime, a Report into grain rail haulage on the EP commissioned by the State Government has NOT been released and the new Marshall Government has been deafening in its silence on the matter. What the hell is going on with this Government?!
SARRA calls on the Government to TAKE BACK CONTROL over the lines and infrastructure. GWA has ripped massive profits from this line over years past (monies sent back to bloat the pockets of its American investors) - and it clearly has NO intention of running the service again.
SO, MR MARSHALL, TAKE THE LINES AND INFRASTRUCTURE BACK - and let the State provide the service! (Alternatively, after you take the lines back, call for Expressions of Interest from the private sector to run the lines!)
As we say in our Media Release on the matter (click on the 'download file' button below to read it), the State NEEDS to keep the lines running - or face the prospect of spending many more millions on maintaining the EP's crumbling road network. Just what is it that this Liberal Government doesn't get?
SARRA predicted this would happen as far back as November 2018 - and our worst nightmares for the people of the EP have come to pass.
Our understanding is that Genesee Wyoming Australia was asking just too much for rail haulage in a new Contract to replace the current financial arrangements.
Despite the EP grain lines being part of GWA's rail-line Lease with the SA Government (for which it paid just ONE LOUSY DOLLAR) - AND not replacing its ageing rolling stock - NOR upgrading EP tracks since leasing the lines - it is clear that GWA was asking far too much from Viterra in the new deal.
In the meantime, a Report into grain rail haulage on the EP commissioned by the State Government has NOT been released and the new Marshall Government has been deafening in its silence on the matter. What the hell is going on with this Government?!
SARRA calls on the Government to TAKE BACK CONTROL over the lines and infrastructure. GWA has ripped massive profits from this line over years past (monies sent back to bloat the pockets of its American investors) - and it clearly has NO intention of running the service again.
SO, MR MARSHALL, TAKE THE LINES AND INFRASTRUCTURE BACK - and let the State provide the service! (Alternatively, after you take the lines back, call for Expressions of Interest from the private sector to run the lines!)
As we say in our Media Release on the matter (click on the 'download file' button below to read it), the State NEEDS to keep the lines running - or face the prospect of spending many more millions on maintaining the EP's crumbling road network. Just what is it that this Liberal Government doesn't get?
SARRA_EP_release.pdf | |
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The Advertiser in its SA Weekend Magazine (Feb 23/24, 2019) has come out with an intriguing look at SA Transport Minister Stephan Knoll - a piece which paints him as an up-and-rising star in the SA Liberal firmament.
The story discusses his work with pigs’ heads, boiling them and getting his fingers burnt along the way, as part of his learning curve in his company’s food business - might we say a ‘pig headedness’ now serving him well as Transport Minister, particularly when it comes to regional rail? Most baffling was the picture of Knoll standing ankle-deep in weeds on the abandoned Barossa rail line....was this just a sad juxtaposition, an editorial statement by The Advertiser, or a Ministerial ‘thumb yer nose’ at those seeking the return of regional rail? Whatever the reason behind the location of the photo, it does NOT place the Minister in favorable light. We at SARRA thought about the story and its context - and have sent the following to The Advertiser’s 'Letters to the Editor'...... It will be interesting to see if it gets a run! Stay tuned! |
Read the story at left and follow what we've said about the SA Weekend story unashamedly promoting Transport Minister Stephan Knoll - then hear the following interview on the matter conducted on SA's 100.5 WOW FM on Sunday 24 February 2019. (interview runs 28 mins approx - drag up a cup of coffee and tune in!) |
....and in the meantime, take a look at our light-hearted (but pithy) visual and video of the Minister’s plight, further below!
PIG HEADEDNESS? - Letter to the Editor, the Advertiser, 23 February, 2019
Was it with a sense of political naivety or divine retribution that our God-fearing Transport Minister was photographed standing ankle-deep in the very issue which will define his political future (SA Magazine - The Advertiser, Feb 23/24)?
Stephan Knoll obviously learnt nothing about PR from Cory Bernardi’s media-training group, the Conservative Leadership Foundation, those years ago - and clearly his current spin-doctors know even less.
The brain surgeon who allowed Knoll to be photographed on the abandoned Barossa railway line at a time of mounting electorate frustration over the Liberals’ do-nothing’ attitude to rejuvenating regional rail, needs to be boiled down as were the pigs’ heads Knoll dealt with in his callow youth those few short weeks ago.
One would have thought ’getting his fingers burnt’ in the family abattoir would have given him a deep understanding of ‘pig headedness’. Apparently not. Stephan Knoll’s negative attitude to the substantial economic and social benefits of reinvigorating regional and rural rail will burn his fingers far greater than picking flesh off boiling animal heads to make ‘fine foods’ in his former business (...the mind boggles!)
Since Knoll took over the Transport portfolio, the SA Regional Rail Alliance has made sustained written requests of the Minister - and the Premier - to provide details about the ownership of SA's rural rail lines and infrastructure (and the lack of enforceable required maintenance of the lines by their State-sanctioned lease-holder, Genesee Wyoming Australia).
So far, SARRA has been met by stony silence from the Minster, using, appropriately, the Sgt Schultz defence: “...I know nothing!...”
SARRA again calls on the Minister (while he contemplates his South Road tunnel and electric scooters) to think of regional South Australia and begin the process of reinstating regional rail.
In the meantime, we note that the Minister is also in charge of the ‘Proof of Sunrise and Sunset’ Act. Might we suggest if he looks at it closely, he’ll see the sunset looming on his own political career, if he continues to ignore regional rail.
Was it with a sense of political naivety or divine retribution that our God-fearing Transport Minister was photographed standing ankle-deep in the very issue which will define his political future (SA Magazine - The Advertiser, Feb 23/24)?
Stephan Knoll obviously learnt nothing about PR from Cory Bernardi’s media-training group, the Conservative Leadership Foundation, those years ago - and clearly his current spin-doctors know even less.
The brain surgeon who allowed Knoll to be photographed on the abandoned Barossa railway line at a time of mounting electorate frustration over the Liberals’ do-nothing’ attitude to rejuvenating regional rail, needs to be boiled down as were the pigs’ heads Knoll dealt with in his callow youth those few short weeks ago.
One would have thought ’getting his fingers burnt’ in the family abattoir would have given him a deep understanding of ‘pig headedness’. Apparently not. Stephan Knoll’s negative attitude to the substantial economic and social benefits of reinvigorating regional and rural rail will burn his fingers far greater than picking flesh off boiling animal heads to make ‘fine foods’ in his former business (...the mind boggles!)
Since Knoll took over the Transport portfolio, the SA Regional Rail Alliance has made sustained written requests of the Minister - and the Premier - to provide details about the ownership of SA's rural rail lines and infrastructure (and the lack of enforceable required maintenance of the lines by their State-sanctioned lease-holder, Genesee Wyoming Australia).
So far, SARRA has been met by stony silence from the Minster, using, appropriately, the Sgt Schultz defence: “...I know nothing!...”
SARRA again calls on the Minister (while he contemplates his South Road tunnel and electric scooters) to think of regional South Australia and begin the process of reinstating regional rail.
In the meantime, we note that the Minister is also in charge of the ‘Proof of Sunrise and Sunset’ Act. Might we suggest if he looks at it closely, he’ll see the sunset looming on his own political career, if he continues to ignore regional rail.
Welcome to 2019, all our SARRA followers! From the SARRA team, we hope you all had a great Christmas and an even better New Year!
SARRA is climbing back onto the footplate and stoking the boilers to carry our campaign for rejuvenated and reinvigorated regional and rural passenger and freight rail services into 2019. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be shrugging off the festive season and setting off left-over sparklers and ‘penny bungers’ up the nether regions of our State politicians to spark some action over rural rail.
To facilitate a fresh 2019 beginning, we’ll be cleaning up our website and archiving the stories of 2018 -- they’ll still be there, but we’ll be beginning a new chapter in the SARRA campaign for 2019.
We hope your holidays have been blessed by clear tracks and accurate timetables - and by way of commencing the new year, we’re looking at some of the carry-over issues - and the activities our our wayward politicians. Check out our PDF file below to see what's on and what we're following at the beginning of this new year!
SARRA is climbing back onto the footplate and stoking the boilers to carry our campaign for rejuvenated and reinvigorated regional and rural passenger and freight rail services into 2019. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be shrugging off the festive season and setting off left-over sparklers and ‘penny bungers’ up the nether regions of our State politicians to spark some action over rural rail.
To facilitate a fresh 2019 beginning, we’ll be cleaning up our website and archiving the stories of 2018 -- they’ll still be there, but we’ll be beginning a new chapter in the SARRA campaign for 2019.
We hope your holidays have been blessed by clear tracks and accurate timetables - and by way of commencing the new year, we’re looking at some of the carry-over issues - and the activities our our wayward politicians. Check out our PDF file below to see what's on and what we're following at the beginning of this new year!
Here's our pdf predictions/comments for the beginning of 2019! |
We've literally had thousands of hits to our stories on The Overland! So much so that we felt compelled to create a 'stand alone' page on The Overland issue. Read the stuff below -- then Click here to go to our "The Overland' page!
WE PREDICTED IT... (see our story further below...) THE OVERLAND is saved by Victoria!
(This story was written in November 2018 - but guess what? We're now in November 2019 - AND THE SAME SITUATION APPLIES! The SA Liberal Govt will not fund the line further (for a measly $300k) -
and we think the Vic Government has run out of patience. The Overland is again on its death bed....)
The South Australian Regional Rail Alliance (SARRA) has condemned the Marshall Government’s decision to cease funding The Overland train service, calling it ‘stupidly short sighted’ and an insult to train travellers and rural South Australians.
SARRA’s Convenor, Paul Henley says SARRA’s supporters and followers are ‘livid’ with the decision and claims the Marshall Government has only confirmed again that it doesn’t care about regional train services.....
See the rest of our Media Release on this matter by clicking the Icon below!
SARRA’s Convenor, Paul Henley says SARRA’s supporters and followers are ‘livid’ with the decision and claims the Marshall Government has only confirmed again that it doesn’t care about regional train services.....
See the rest of our Media Release on this matter by clicking the Icon below!
overland_release_nov29_2018_1.pdf | |
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Great Southern Rail (GSR) has announced (early 2019) that it will introduce a new Adelaide to Brisbane and return rail service - the Great Southern - from early December. SARRA welcomes any promotion of rail services in Australia - but is it all what it seems?
It needs to be noted that by its ‘modus operandi’, GSR is only interested in ‘tourist’ trains - the Ghan from Adelaide to Darwin, and the Indian Pacific from Perth to Sydney (via Adelaide, its home-base). This ‘new service’ does little but fill GSR’s desire to provide the ‘last leg’ of its Australia-wide rail-tourism network, to include Brisbane. GSR - potentially with the exception of Adelaide to Melbourne - will be able to claim that ALL Capitals (and Darwin) are available to tourists by train.
There will be little hoopla that it will cost ‘an arm and a leg’ to travel to Brisbane from Adelaide on this new train. As with the Ghan and the Indian Pacific, the cost of a ticket on this new service will be clearly aimed at well-healed overseas tourists - or well-superannuated Australians. The ‘great-unwashed’ will likely never afford to travel on GSR trains unless they sell their grand-children first. Financially, the cost of GSR tickets is not for the feint-hearted.
From a PR point of view however, GSR will be seen as a true West to East, North to South tourist train provider! Thus, standby for a plethora of ‘media opportunities’....
We can see the SA Premier and the Tourism Minister and the Transport Minister ‘cutting the ribbon’ at Keswick, then waving goodbye to the new train as it leaves on its way to the Sunshine State! Much media yackety-yack about the benefits to the State and so on.... You know the drill!
In the meantime, The Overland between Adelaide and Melbourne - a tourist train certainly - BUT ALSO A COMMUTER TRAIN - appears unlikely to be funded to continue.
Over recent years, both the SA and Victorian governments have subsidised The Overland - the Victorians chucking in far more money than SA. With those original subsidies now coming to an end, The Overland is not guaranteed to last beyond the end of the year.....and it will take the two State governments to throw money behind it again, if it is to continue.
GSR, with its head in different clouds, will not continue with The Overland without these subsidies.
Has GSR contributed to this malaise? Yes it has, because for years it has not properly promoted The Overland in any meaningful way - and thus because the service is a pain in everyone’s backside, we predict all parties will not be unhappy to let the service slide - hoping that ‘all will be forgiven’ with the announcement of the new 'Great Southern' service! The old ‘pea and thimble’ trick!
Unless the Victorian and SA govts come to the party with subsidies to retain The Overland - and they insist that GSR properly promotes it - then it seems certain The Overland will slip quietly into its grave - while you all will be mesmerised by the fireworks and rockets heralding the new tourist service to Brisbane.....
Are we right? We sincerely hope not, but we will be watching to see what the next move by all three parties is on the future of the Iconic Overland service.
It needs to be noted that by its ‘modus operandi’, GSR is only interested in ‘tourist’ trains - the Ghan from Adelaide to Darwin, and the Indian Pacific from Perth to Sydney (via Adelaide, its home-base). This ‘new service’ does little but fill GSR’s desire to provide the ‘last leg’ of its Australia-wide rail-tourism network, to include Brisbane. GSR - potentially with the exception of Adelaide to Melbourne - will be able to claim that ALL Capitals (and Darwin) are available to tourists by train.
There will be little hoopla that it will cost ‘an arm and a leg’ to travel to Brisbane from Adelaide on this new train. As with the Ghan and the Indian Pacific, the cost of a ticket on this new service will be clearly aimed at well-healed overseas tourists - or well-superannuated Australians. The ‘great-unwashed’ will likely never afford to travel on GSR trains unless they sell their grand-children first. Financially, the cost of GSR tickets is not for the feint-hearted.
From a PR point of view however, GSR will be seen as a true West to East, North to South tourist train provider! Thus, standby for a plethora of ‘media opportunities’....
We can see the SA Premier and the Tourism Minister and the Transport Minister ‘cutting the ribbon’ at Keswick, then waving goodbye to the new train as it leaves on its way to the Sunshine State! Much media yackety-yack about the benefits to the State and so on.... You know the drill!
In the meantime, The Overland between Adelaide and Melbourne - a tourist train certainly - BUT ALSO A COMMUTER TRAIN - appears unlikely to be funded to continue.
Over recent years, both the SA and Victorian governments have subsidised The Overland - the Victorians chucking in far more money than SA. With those original subsidies now coming to an end, The Overland is not guaranteed to last beyond the end of the year.....and it will take the two State governments to throw money behind it again, if it is to continue.
GSR, with its head in different clouds, will not continue with The Overland without these subsidies.
Has GSR contributed to this malaise? Yes it has, because for years it has not properly promoted The Overland in any meaningful way - and thus because the service is a pain in everyone’s backside, we predict all parties will not be unhappy to let the service slide - hoping that ‘all will be forgiven’ with the announcement of the new 'Great Southern' service! The old ‘pea and thimble’ trick!
Unless the Victorian and SA govts come to the party with subsidies to retain The Overland - and they insist that GSR properly promotes it - then it seems certain The Overland will slip quietly into its grave - while you all will be mesmerised by the fireworks and rockets heralding the new tourist service to Brisbane.....
Are we right? We sincerely hope not, but we will be watching to see what the next move by all three parties is on the future of the Iconic Overland service.
Earlier this year, we took a tour along the dormant Burra Line to see the condition of the line and infrastructure and were disgusted by its condition, despite the fact that under the Lease agreement that the SA Govt has with Genesee Wyoming Australia, the line and infrastructure must be maintained in operational condition. The images we took then we posted to our Gallery for all to see. (click here to go to our gallery page to see those earlier images.)
On our most recent trip to Burra (November 2018) we checked the line again in the vain hope that our earlier investigation had resulted in any clean-up.
Thus it is our sad duty to report, as we expected, that NOTHING has been done. If anything, the state of the Tarlee Railway Station (in particular) has deteriorated still further. This Station has deep historical significance to SA as it was where the bluestone was loaded which would be used to build SA’s Parliament House.
Check the slide show immediately below to see our latest images (including priceless records of freight movement from the early 1950's) and remind yourself about the condition of this State asset. (click on the images to enlarge them.) Then, like us, GET ANGRY ALL OVER AGAIN!
BELOW THE GALLERY, see what we’ve done to restore the facade of the Tarlee Station! We’ve done (electronically at least!) what the State Government should insist that the Lessee, GWA, should do to the Tarlee Station - and all other Stations effectively abandoned in SA! (revolving 'before and after' pics.)
Then reflect on how this State Government (and governments before it) has thumbed their nose at you, regional South Australians!
Earlier this year, we took a tour along the dormant Burra Line to see the condition of the line and infrastructure and were disgusted by its condition, despite the fact that under the Lease agreement that the SA Govt has with Genesee Wyoming Australia, the line and infrastructure must be maintained in operational condition. The images we took then we posted to our Gallery for all to see. (click here to go to our gallery page to see those earlier images.)
On our most recent trip to Burra (November 2018) we checked the line again in the vain hope that our earlier investigation had resulted in any clean-up.
Thus it is our sad duty to report, as we expected, that NOTHING has been done. If anything, the state of the Tarlee Railway Station (in particular) has deteriorated still further. This Station has deep historical significance to SA as it was where the bluestone was loaded which would be used to build SA’s Parliament House.
Check the slide show immediately below to see our latest images (including priceless records of freight movement from the early 1950's) and remind yourself about the condition of this State asset. (click on the images to enlarge them.) Then, like us, GET ANGRY ALL OVER AGAIN!
BELOW THE GALLERY, see what we’ve done to restore the facade of the Tarlee Station! We’ve done (electronically at least!) what the State Government should insist that the Lessee, GWA, should do to the Tarlee Station - and all other Stations effectively abandoned in SA! (revolving 'before and after' pics.)
Then reflect on how this State Government (and governments before it) has thumbed their nose at you, regional South Australians!
With official Fire Danger Seasons coming into force across the State, this is a timely reminder to all our followers to turn your minds to what could be a very serious fire-danger period across the next few months. IF YOU HAVEN’T DONE SO ALREADY PLEASE REVIEW YOUR ‘FIRE ACTION’ PLAN - and if you don’t have one, please visit the CFS WEBSITE where there are detailed plans to prepare you for the fire season ahead. Whether you live in rural towns, or are a broad-acre landholder, reducing fire-hazards in your immediate area is vital, to protect everyone.
As you’ve been following us at SARRA, you will have learnt that ‘abandoned’ rail corridors in rural SA are particular fire hazards as a result of the lines’ Lessee (Genesee Wyoming Australia) not meeting its obligations to keep the corridors fire-hazard-free - and we know many of you who are keeping your properties in good order are concerned (if not scared) that these overgrown corridors are potential fire risks - not only to you, but as ‘fire wicks’ which can easily carry fire quickly to you, or away from you.
IF YOU ARE CONCERNED that GWA has not maintained corridors close to you in proper hazard-reduction condition, WE URGE YOU TO CONTACT GWA (ph: 8343-5455) and express your concern. You might remind them that if it can be proved that the corridors over which they have control contribute to (or exacerbate) the carriage of fire in and around your property, YOU WILL HOLD THEM LEGALLY LIABLE FOR COMPENSATION, should the worst happen.
You should also contact your LOCAL COUNCIL with your concerns, raise it with CFS HEADQUARTERS (ph: 8115 3300 - ask to speak with the Chief Officer Greg Nettleton) - AND CONTACT YOUR LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT.
If you speak with your local MP remind him or her that GWA needs to keep the rail corridors for which they are responsible under their Lease agreement with the State IN SUCH CONDITION THAT TRAINS CAN OPERATE ON THEM WITHIN 2 WEEKS NOTICE! (Transport Minister Stephan Knoll acknowledges this in our story below!) That way, we all increase the pressure on the State Government to take back the lines and call for Expressions of Interest to have rural passenger and freight services reinstated in Rural SA.
In the meantime, be prepared for a dangerous fire season - and look to the CFS for further advice.
As you’ve been following us at SARRA, you will have learnt that ‘abandoned’ rail corridors in rural SA are particular fire hazards as a result of the lines’ Lessee (Genesee Wyoming Australia) not meeting its obligations to keep the corridors fire-hazard-free - and we know many of you who are keeping your properties in good order are concerned (if not scared) that these overgrown corridors are potential fire risks - not only to you, but as ‘fire wicks’ which can easily carry fire quickly to you, or away from you.
IF YOU ARE CONCERNED that GWA has not maintained corridors close to you in proper hazard-reduction condition, WE URGE YOU TO CONTACT GWA (ph: 8343-5455) and express your concern. You might remind them that if it can be proved that the corridors over which they have control contribute to (or exacerbate) the carriage of fire in and around your property, YOU WILL HOLD THEM LEGALLY LIABLE FOR COMPENSATION, should the worst happen.
You should also contact your LOCAL COUNCIL with your concerns, raise it with CFS HEADQUARTERS (ph: 8115 3300 - ask to speak with the Chief Officer Greg Nettleton) - AND CONTACT YOUR LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT.
If you speak with your local MP remind him or her that GWA needs to keep the rail corridors for which they are responsible under their Lease agreement with the State IN SUCH CONDITION THAT TRAINS CAN OPERATE ON THEM WITHIN 2 WEEKS NOTICE! (Transport Minister Stephan Knoll acknowledges this in our story below!) That way, we all increase the pressure on the State Government to take back the lines and call for Expressions of Interest to have rural passenger and freight services reinstated in Rural SA.
In the meantime, be prepared for a dangerous fire season - and look to the CFS for further advice.
In a letter to one of our supporters (October 2018) the current Minister of Transport Stephan Knoll has confirmed all of the commitments that Genesee Wyoming Australia must fulfill as part of its commitments as Lessee of SA’s rural rail lines - AND that the lines must be maintained to operational standard.
THIS IS SIGNIFICANT as it means that the present Government has confirmed what its (Labor) predecessor also put in writing -- in short, GWA is contractually bound to maintain SA’s rural rail lines in such condition that they can be re-opened...’for rail traffic of a similar volume and nature as was operated on the lines before [they] were closed to rail traffic, within a period of 2 weeks.’
Rural South Australians know that to be a pile of horses’ cobblers!
AND THEN KNOLL STATES that to ...’forcibly terminate the Lease...would result in the State Government becoming responsible for corridor maintenance costs....’
(see the letter below - note that it is edited to preserve the anonymity of our supporter who passed the letter on to us -- interesting that SARRA has NOT had a response from the Minister to exactly the same questions!)
THIS IS SIGNIFICANT as it means that the present Government has confirmed what its (Labor) predecessor also put in writing -- in short, GWA is contractually bound to maintain SA’s rural rail lines in such condition that they can be re-opened...’for rail traffic of a similar volume and nature as was operated on the lines before [they] were closed to rail traffic, within a period of 2 weeks.’
Rural South Australians know that to be a pile of horses’ cobblers!
AND THEN KNOLL STATES that to ...’forcibly terminate the Lease...would result in the State Government becoming responsible for corridor maintenance costs....’
(see the letter below - note that it is edited to preserve the anonymity of our supporter who passed the letter on to us -- interesting that SARRA has NOT had a response from the Minister to exactly the same questions!)
Below is the letter (edited) from Knoll to our supporter - check it out! Then click on our 'Download File' (at right) to get our analysis of the letter (PDF format) where we make it abundantly clear (again) that GWA is not meeting its responsibilities....
Our followers will be outraged to hear - direct from the ’horse’s mouth’ (Premier Stephen Marshall) - that rural rail services are NOT on the Liberal Government’s agenda over the next 3 1/2 years of his Party’s term!
(Yes, we’ve heard the same thing from his ‘pony’, Transport Minister Stephan Knoll, but now we’ve heard it direct from the ‘horse’s mouth’!). On David Bevan ABC891’s morning program (on Friday September 7 2018), Stephen Marshall confirmed that rural rail was ‘horse poo’ as far as his government is concerned!
During his interview with Bevan, The Horse spread a lot of ‘chaff’ about how his government was riding, but said rural rail was not in the government’s ‘stall’ at the moment!
To make it easier for you to hear, we’ve cut the ‘horse crap’ out of his response. Have a listen below - then get the whip out! Marshall needs to know he’s on a ‘dead horse’ over this issue!! (BTW, the photo here is a horse, people - though it does look like a DOPEY ASS, doesn’t it? )
Our followers will be outraged to hear - direct from the ’horse’s mouth’ (Premier Stephen Marshall) - that rural rail services are NOT on the Liberal Government’s agenda over the next 3 1/2 years of his Party’s term!
(Yes, we’ve heard the same thing from his ‘pony’, Transport Minister Stephan Knoll, but now we’ve heard it direct from the ‘horse’s mouth’!). On David Bevan ABC891’s morning program (on Friday September 7 2018), Stephen Marshall confirmed that rural rail was ‘horse poo’ as far as his government is concerned!
During his interview with Bevan, The Horse spread a lot of ‘chaff’ about how his government was riding, but said rural rail was not in the government’s ‘stall’ at the moment!
To make it easier for you to hear, we’ve cut the ‘horse crap’ out of his response. Have a listen below - then get the whip out! Marshall needs to know he’s on a ‘dead horse’ over this issue!! (BTW, the photo here is a horse, people - though it does look like a DOPEY ASS, doesn’t it? )
UPDATE! Our story on Transport Minister Stephan Knoll walking out on our interview over rural rail services has been picked up by the Angaston Leader newspaper.
If you haven't heard the interview already, check it below our story on Tourism David Ridgway immediately below...(THAT interview is also worth a listen, if you haven't already also!) If you live in the Barossa, go out and buy a copy of this week's Leader (August 22, 2018).
If you live outside The Leader's circulation area, check the story by downloading the PDF file below!
If you haven't heard the interview already, check it below our story on Tourism David Ridgway immediately below...(THAT interview is also worth a listen, if you haven't already also!) If you live in the Barossa, go out and buy a copy of this week's Leader (August 22, 2018).
If you live outside The Leader's circulation area, check the story by downloading the PDF file below!
leader_story.pdf | |
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It’s official! The Marshall Government has ‘no appetite’ to fund regional rail passenger services, according to the Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment, David Ridgway.
The astonishing admission from the Minister came in an interview conducted by SARRA’s Media Officer at a gathering of the Barossa Valley’s senior tourist operators at a ‘Meet the Minister’ event held at the Jacob’s Creek Heritage Vineyard Function Centre on Tuesday 21 August.
AND it was revealed at the meeting that Genesee Wyoming Australia is preparing to hand back the Barossa rail line to the State Government so that the Barossa Wine Train, currently at the Rail Museum at Port Adelaide, can be dragged by its owner, John Geber of Chateau Tanunda, to the portion of track he owns outside of the Tanunda Railway Station (which he also owns).
The Minister also revealed that Mr Geber apparently wants to take over the the Barossa rail line with a view to running the Barossa Wine Train only from Gawler to Tanunda in a similar way to other ‘historic’ point-to-point trains such as the Steamranger, the Cockle Train or the Pitchi Richi services. This may mean Mr Geber will be 'ceded' the Barossa Line for a token lease assuming he can get the (currently) dysfunctional BWT operating. Further, there appears that there will be NO ATTEMPT by the Marshall government to force GWA to bring back the Barossa Line (or any other of the lines in the GWA Lease) to 'full operating standard' as the Lease requires! If this is the case, the Marshall Government stands further condemned.
In any event, it appears any BWT under Mr Geber's control would only run from Gawler and back and NOT to Adelaide - which is at odds with Minister Ridgway's promises today that the State Government is encouraging hordes of overseas tourists to come to SA to 'experience our lifestyle...'. Part of that lifestyle, by his own admission, is the delights of the Barossa Valley and other regional areas of SA! Getting from Adelaide to the Barossa direct via rail apparently is out of the question!
In any event, the Marshall Government won't fund those trains - AND is even LESS interested in rural rail passenger and freight services to other regions! So much for this Government's care for YOU, regional South Australians!
By the Minister’s own admission, rural rail passenger and freight services are just “not on the Government’s radar”.
The Marshall Government must stand condemned!
Now, listen to the interview below (lasts 9mins 15secs). Then, if you've got the stomach for it and haven't heard it before, check out the further interview below again with Transport Minister Stephan Knoll....
The astonishing admission from the Minister came in an interview conducted by SARRA’s Media Officer at a gathering of the Barossa Valley’s senior tourist operators at a ‘Meet the Minister’ event held at the Jacob’s Creek Heritage Vineyard Function Centre on Tuesday 21 August.
AND it was revealed at the meeting that Genesee Wyoming Australia is preparing to hand back the Barossa rail line to the State Government so that the Barossa Wine Train, currently at the Rail Museum at Port Adelaide, can be dragged by its owner, John Geber of Chateau Tanunda, to the portion of track he owns outside of the Tanunda Railway Station (which he also owns).
The Minister also revealed that Mr Geber apparently wants to take over the the Barossa rail line with a view to running the Barossa Wine Train only from Gawler to Tanunda in a similar way to other ‘historic’ point-to-point trains such as the Steamranger, the Cockle Train or the Pitchi Richi services. This may mean Mr Geber will be 'ceded' the Barossa Line for a token lease assuming he can get the (currently) dysfunctional BWT operating. Further, there appears that there will be NO ATTEMPT by the Marshall government to force GWA to bring back the Barossa Line (or any other of the lines in the GWA Lease) to 'full operating standard' as the Lease requires! If this is the case, the Marshall Government stands further condemned.
In any event, it appears any BWT under Mr Geber's control would only run from Gawler and back and NOT to Adelaide - which is at odds with Minister Ridgway's promises today that the State Government is encouraging hordes of overseas tourists to come to SA to 'experience our lifestyle...'. Part of that lifestyle, by his own admission, is the delights of the Barossa Valley and other regional areas of SA! Getting from Adelaide to the Barossa direct via rail apparently is out of the question!
In any event, the Marshall Government won't fund those trains - AND is even LESS interested in rural rail passenger and freight services to other regions! So much for this Government's care for YOU, regional South Australians!
By the Minister’s own admission, rural rail passenger and freight services are just “not on the Government’s radar”.
The Marshall Government must stand condemned!
Now, listen to the interview below (lasts 9mins 15secs). Then, if you've got the stomach for it and haven't heard it before, check out the further interview below again with Transport Minister Stephan Knoll....
Rural South Australians will be outraged (and shocked) to learn that the SA Minister of Transport Stephan Knoll today walked away from an interview and refused to answer ongoing questions about the potential to return rural rail to SA.
Knoll advertised that he would be conducting a ‘Meet the Minister’ event in Nuriootpa, deep in his electorate on this day (Friday August 18, 2018) - and SARRA’s Media Officer attended. Our Media Officer is a professional journalist with many years’ experience (who also lives in the Barossa Valley) and he waited patiently until the Minister dealt with his other constituents.
The interview was aimed at allowing the Minister to express his knowledge about rural rail issues and provided him a forum to advise rural South Australians what his Government’s views and actions might be about returning rural rail to the State.
But when the questions got tougher, the Minister abruptly walked away and refused even an open offer for him to make a closing statement! Have a listen - then get angry!! And see our EDITORIAL below!
Knoll advertised that he would be conducting a ‘Meet the Minister’ event in Nuriootpa, deep in his electorate on this day (Friday August 18, 2018) - and SARRA’s Media Officer attended. Our Media Officer is a professional journalist with many years’ experience (who also lives in the Barossa Valley) and he waited patiently until the Minister dealt with his other constituents.
The interview was aimed at allowing the Minister to express his knowledge about rural rail issues and provided him a forum to advise rural South Australians what his Government’s views and actions might be about returning rural rail to the State.
But when the questions got tougher, the Minister abruptly walked away and refused even an open offer for him to make a closing statement! Have a listen - then get angry!! And see our EDITORIAL below!
After 16 years of Labor governments which didn’t give a tinker’s cuss about rural SA it was to be hoped that the incoming Liberal Government (whose electoral ‘heartland’ has always been rural SA) would look earnestly at reinvigorating the regions.
A necessary beginning to that rejuvenation needs, as its ‘backbone’, reliable regional and rural rail public transport services, and rail freight services. Buses and road-freight will not make regional SA great again, despite the fact that rural South Australia is a huge contributor to the State’s economy. Rural South Australians have been ignored long enough.
It is therefore deplorable that the new Transport Minister (and a country MP at that) has effectively ‘thumbed his nose’ at rural South Australians by declaring outright that regional rail public transport and rail-freight will, apparently, play NO part in the Marshall Government’s thinking over its (likely to be a one-term) Government.
That the Minister will not even contemplate an investigation into GWA’s failure to meet the conditions of its $1 lease - and by declaring unambiguously ‘NO’ to the reinstatement of rail public transport services to the Barossa Valley (the most ‘doable’ advance that would quickly prove the Marshall Government’s commitment to ‘reinvigorating the regions’) is a damning indictment on the new Government.
That the Minister walked away from our interview when the questions got tougher shines a big spotlight on this current government’s lack of concern for YOU - regional South Australians!
Are you angry? Are you alarmed? Are you outraged? YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE!
Now it’s up to us to do something about it. In the first instance, express your outrage on Stephan Knoll’s Face Book page (search ‘Stephan Knoll’ on FB), and on the Premier’s Facebook page (search ‘Steven Marshall’) or get on the phone to your local regional MP.
NOW is the time to stand up and be counted over this issue! Every drop of ‘angry water’ will become a flood, and we need to make it happen NOW!
After 16 years of Labor governments which didn’t give a tinker’s cuss about rural SA it was to be hoped that the incoming Liberal Government (whose electoral ‘heartland’ has always been rural SA) would look earnestly at reinvigorating the regions.
A necessary beginning to that rejuvenation needs, as its ‘backbone’, reliable regional and rural rail public transport services, and rail freight services. Buses and road-freight will not make regional SA great again, despite the fact that rural South Australia is a huge contributor to the State’s economy. Rural South Australians have been ignored long enough.
It is therefore deplorable that the new Transport Minister (and a country MP at that) has effectively ‘thumbed his nose’ at rural South Australians by declaring outright that regional rail public transport and rail-freight will, apparently, play NO part in the Marshall Government’s thinking over its (likely to be a one-term) Government.
That the Minister will not even contemplate an investigation into GWA’s failure to meet the conditions of its $1 lease - and by declaring unambiguously ‘NO’ to the reinstatement of rail public transport services to the Barossa Valley (the most ‘doable’ advance that would quickly prove the Marshall Government’s commitment to ‘reinvigorating the regions’) is a damning indictment on the new Government.
That the Minister walked away from our interview when the questions got tougher shines a big spotlight on this current government’s lack of concern for YOU - regional South Australians!
Are you angry? Are you alarmed? Are you outraged? YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE!
Now it’s up to us to do something about it. In the first instance, express your outrage on Stephan Knoll’s Face Book page (search ‘Stephan Knoll’ on FB), and on the Premier’s Facebook page (search ‘Steven Marshall’) or get on the phone to your local regional MP.
NOW is the time to stand up and be counted over this issue! Every drop of ‘angry water’ will become a flood, and we need to make it happen NOW!
With the State Budget just around the corner, the media is ramping up its coverage of what the new Marshall Government has in store for us in the way of 'infrastructure' spending. So far, it looks like all the money will be spent in the metropolitan area with scarce real regard to the regions or to any effort to properly investigate or fund the refurbishment of regional and rural rail - despite the fact that South Australia beyond the borders of metropolitan Adelaide contribute extraordinarily to the State's economic 'bottom line'! We're bringing this to the notice of our new government and we need your support. No matter where you live, get on to your local MP and push regional SA's case with us. Download our first Media Release as a PDF doc by clicking the link below -- then send it to your local MP, and tell him to back regional SA!
With the State Budget just around the corner, the media is ramping up its coverage of what the new Marshall Government has in store for us in the way of 'infrastructure' spending. So far, it looks like all the money will be spent in the metropolitan area with scarce real regard to the regions or to any effort to properly investigate or fund the refurbishment of regional and rural rail - despite the fact that South Australia beyond the borders of metropolitan Adelaide contribute extraordinarily to the State's economic 'bottom line'! We're bringing this to the notice of our new government and we need your support. No matter where you live, get on to your local MP and push regional SA's case with us. Download our first Media Release as a PDF doc by clicking the link below -- then send it to your local MP, and tell him to back regional SA!
Get our first Media Release on the upcoming State Budget by downloading the PDF at right!
Our Media Release on infrastructure spending in the upcoming State Budget (see above) has drawn immense support from people in SA's second largest city, Mount Gambier! The ABC South East ran with the story in its Morning program, hosted by Selina Green, who interviewed SARRA's Stephen Domo at 8:30 on Thursday 16 August 2018. ABC SE also posted the story on its Facebook Page which took hundreds of hits over the matter. Selina acknowledged the interest and said their FB page had not attracted such interest in a long, long time - and that the vast majority of 'posters' reacted positively to a return of rail in the South East. Have a listen to the interview below (lasts 11:30 approx.) Thanks ABC SE!
HOT NEWS! A work gang believed to be employed by Genesee Wyoming Australia has removed a major embarrassment (and impediment) on the dormant Barossa Line, near the Concordia CFS Station, just 5 kilometres from Gawler.
Until today (Thursday 16 August 2018) a tree the size of a two-storey house was growing in the middle of the railway track.... tonight it's gone. We also hear that GWA will also be 'killing the weeds' on the track. Is this just 'track maintenance'? Or has our submission to new Transport Minister Stephan Knoll for an investigation into GWA's Lease 'drawn blood'? Or is the line being made ready so that the owner of the Barossa Wine Train can drag that wreck to Tanunda? ....Or is something else going on that we're not privvy to.....?! TIME WILL TELL! See our 'before and after' pics below! |
SARRA is getting its message out there! We're having considerable success attracting main-stream media coverage (most recently in the last week of July 2018).
The story at left appeared in The Advertiser on July 20, bringing to the attention of South Australians the fact that the new Liberal Government's desire to provide 'bunny hop' transport links to city commuters may be fine in down-town North Adelaide, but the Government is ignoring public transport services beyond Gepps Cross, Seaford and Belair! This prompted the ABC's 891 morning host David Bevan to interview SARRA's Convenor Paul Henley on the same day. Did you miss it? Here it below! In the interview, you'll hear that Bevan also interviewed Rod Hook, a former Head of the Dept of Transport, Planning and Infra-structure (DPTI) in which he claimed that it would cost $5 million PER KILOMETER to repair rural rail tracks! Paul Henley was not given the opportunity to rebuff Hook on his figures, or ask where he got them from - but Hook admitted he pulled that figure out of thin air - and it has no basis in reality. SARRA is preparing a more realistic - and provable - costing on line-rejuvenation -- and we'll be posting that here shortly. We'll also be providing that costing to the Govt, to prove our case that reviving regional rail can be done at a realistic price. Stay tuned!
The Wakefield Regional Council - as reported in the Plains Producer newspaper (June 27, 2018 edition) - is seeking to clean-up and refurbish the rail precinct in the middle of Balaklava - a fine idea, but who’s going to pay for it?
The answer is simple - Genesee Wyoming Australia (GWA). Under the terms of the Lease GWA holds with the State, it is in black-and-white that it alone is responsible, at its expense, to clean-up the (current) weed, tree and vermin-infested rural rail corridors and station precincts, and repair and refurbish rail infrastructure (railway stations, attendant buildings, sidings and so on). This work is NOT the financial responsibility of rate-payers, nor tax-payers.
SARRA has pointed this out to WRC - and through regional media, is making this clear also to other rural Councils, in the event they too want rail corridors through their areas cleaned-up or rail precincts restored.
At the same time SARRA has made it clear that any clean-up or restorative work MUST retain rail rights-of-way; digging up rail tracks for bike trails or turning train stations into trendy coffee shops must NOT be at the expense of disallowing trains the use of those areas as was originally the case.
With the current State Government banging its gums over the need to improve rural economies and increase rural populations, new rail public-transport and rail-freight services will be critical to achieve those aims.
If you live in rural SA, you can help by making this clear to your local Councillors and MPs. Bringing back regional rail services is critical to the State’s future!
The answer is simple - Genesee Wyoming Australia (GWA). Under the terms of the Lease GWA holds with the State, it is in black-and-white that it alone is responsible, at its expense, to clean-up the (current) weed, tree and vermin-infested rural rail corridors and station precincts, and repair and refurbish rail infrastructure (railway stations, attendant buildings, sidings and so on). This work is NOT the financial responsibility of rate-payers, nor tax-payers.
SARRA has pointed this out to WRC - and through regional media, is making this clear also to other rural Councils, in the event they too want rail corridors through their areas cleaned-up or rail precincts restored.
At the same time SARRA has made it clear that any clean-up or restorative work MUST retain rail rights-of-way; digging up rail tracks for bike trails or turning train stations into trendy coffee shops must NOT be at the expense of disallowing trains the use of those areas as was originally the case.
With the current State Government banging its gums over the need to improve rural economies and increase rural populations, new rail public-transport and rail-freight services will be critical to achieve those aims.
If you live in rural SA, you can help by making this clear to your local Councillors and MPs. Bringing back regional rail services is critical to the State’s future!
Like to see what we're saying in our Media Release on this matter? Click on the icon to the right, to get our PDF.
This campaign is being organised by the South Australian Regional Rail Alliance (SARRA), a group
of rural transport experts and business people promoting the benefits of reinstating the State’s regional rail network. Click the logo above to go to our Facebook page.
In 2015, TRANSPORT MINISTER MULLIGHAN CONFIRMS SA'S REGIONAL BRANCH LINES MUST BE MAINTAINEDIn 2015, Transport Minister Stephen Mullighan admitted in a letter to SARRA Convenor Paul Henley that Genesee & Wyoming Australia was responsible for keeping SA's regional rail lines in operational order! Nothing's changed - the lines remain in ruin and are a total disgrace! Here's part of that letter.....
Want to see what else Minister Mullighan had to say?! Go on, you know you want to! We know you want to know why this present Government has completely failed rural South Australians! SEE THE FULL LETTER on our 'Resources' page (you can get a download of the letter there too - circulate it amongst your friends)!
Go make yourself a cup of coffee then sit back and hear an interview with the spokesman for SARRA, PAUL HENLEY, as he explains what the South Australian Regional Rail Network wants to achieve. (runs 13 mins 40 secs - make sure your speakers are on and not on mute...)
Now listen to our first Podcast - on our 'Podcast' page.....
go on, you know you want to! Now see our TV commercial!
Now check out the rest of our website for further detail -
and how you can add your voice to our campaign! |