As you've been following us, you know this very active website is your major 'point of contact' with us - and where you can delve into our campaign to discover in more detail the absolutely abysmal state our regional rail branch lines are in, the TOTAL lack of care of those lines by the Lessee GWA - and how the Lessor (the Government of SA) is doing (and has done) ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to (a) insist the lines be fixed or (b) returned to the people of SA. As you know, we want GWA kicked out and new Expressions of Interest to run the lines be called, after the March 2018 election.
Those of you who have something to contribute to this debate (and thank you very much to those who have extended our knowledge of lines and rail infrastructure in your regional areas) are making your contributions through our FaceBook page - and what a lively interchange of ideas and comments it's proving!
Now we're taking our communication to you one step further. If we were to consider this website as the 'newspaper' or 'library' on this issue - and the FaceBook page, the 'text telephone' of ideas and comments.....
...we're now adding 'RADIO' to the mix! Here we'll be posting regular 'radio interviews' we've done with the main players in this debate - and we're adding our own 'talk' show, where we'll bring you up to date in a few minutes through our own 'on demand' (and quick) audio summations of the latest news and opinion, accessible on this site.
Think Leon Byner or David Bevan meets John Laws, aka the 'Golden Tonsils'!
Our audio excerpts below will contain a mix of recorded interviews with politicians and 'influencers' - and our regular 'summation' of where we're at - in our PODCAST we've entitled 'RUSTY RAILS'!!
So sit back, make sure your 'audio' connections are working - and your speakers are not on 'mute' - and take an audio journey on 'Rusty Rails - the rickety railroad to riches in SA'!!
Those of you who have something to contribute to this debate (and thank you very much to those who have extended our knowledge of lines and rail infrastructure in your regional areas) are making your contributions through our FaceBook page - and what a lively interchange of ideas and comments it's proving!
Now we're taking our communication to you one step further. If we were to consider this website as the 'newspaper' or 'library' on this issue - and the FaceBook page, the 'text telephone' of ideas and comments.....
...we're now adding 'RADIO' to the mix! Here we'll be posting regular 'radio interviews' we've done with the main players in this debate - and we're adding our own 'talk' show, where we'll bring you up to date in a few minutes through our own 'on demand' (and quick) audio summations of the latest news and opinion, accessible on this site.
Think Leon Byner or David Bevan meets John Laws, aka the 'Golden Tonsils'!
Our audio excerpts below will contain a mix of recorded interviews with politicians and 'influencers' - and our regular 'summation' of where we're at - in our PODCAST we've entitled 'RUSTY RAILS'!!
So sit back, make sure your 'audio' connections are working - and your speakers are not on 'mute' - and take an audio journey on 'Rusty Rails - the rickety railroad to riches in SA'!!