On this page, we'll provide you with access to our Media Releases, Maps and Backgrounders for those of you who want a more in-depth understanding of the issues behind our campaign.
In 2015, Transport Minister Stephen Mullighan admitted in a letter to SARRA Convenor Paul Henley that Genesee & Wyoming Australia was responsible for keeping SA's regional rail lines in operational order! Nothing's changed - then and now, the lines remain in ruin and are a total disgrace! HERE'S THE FULL MULLIGHAN LETTER (want to download it to show your friends? Go the the bottom of this page and download the 'Mullighan_letter' .PDF)!
29 November 2017: A bigger and more livable Adelaide, regions taking advantage of their natural assets and competitive advantages, and new bodies driving investment and infrastructure development and delivery - all have the potential to deliver significant economic growth and a strong future for South Australia, according to Deloitte Access Economics (DAE).
DAE has produced ‘Make it a plan Adelaide’ - a weighty tome which has found that South Australia could be home to 2 million people and a thriving $134 billion economy by 2027. Deloitte kicked off the conversation earlier this year talking to a gaggle of SA economic, business, developer and policy heavyweights which resulted in a couple of ‘sub reports’ which were the basis of the consolidated report released this week. Of relevance to SARRA, one of those early reports, ‘Make it your Adelaide - Regions’ focused on regional matters - and noted in its Executive Summary: ‘While Adelaide is the heart of South Australia economically, politically and culturally, it has always been the essential lifeblood flowing from the state’s regional areas that keeps this heart beating. Harnessing the economic power of country South Australia and investing in our regional population centres can only multiply the benefits to Adelaide, which, in turn, will improve the future prosperity of all South Australia.’ We couldn’t have said it better! |
While its final recommendations are Adelaide-centric and very trendy (with references to ‘micro’ this and that and in-words like ‘hubs’ and ‘hyper connectivity’), the report does recognise the enormous potential to the State of rejuvenated and revitalised regional growth.
The sub-report is worth a read, so click the link at the very bottom of this page to get the report as a downloadable PDF.
Then if you want to see how much (or how little) of this sub-report contributed to DAE’s bigger plan for SA (and to see a very trendy video showing the nRAH failure, the ‘cheese-grater’ alongside - and more shots of happy faces at a Crows game than Channel 7 shows, click here to go to the relevant page on the DAE's website. (Interestingly, the video doesn’t venture beyond Gepps Cross - typical!)
Still, the Report is a step in the right direction - and, Deloitte, recognise your Grand Plan NEEDS a revitalised and rebuilt regional rail network!
The sub-report is worth a read, so click the link at the very bottom of this page to get the report as a downloadable PDF.
Then if you want to see how much (or how little) of this sub-report contributed to DAE’s bigger plan for SA (and to see a very trendy video showing the nRAH failure, the ‘cheese-grater’ alongside - and more shots of happy faces at a Crows game than Channel 7 shows, click here to go to the relevant page on the DAE's website. (Interestingly, the video doesn’t venture beyond Gepps Cross - typical!)
Still, the Report is a step in the right direction - and, Deloitte, recognise your Grand Plan NEEDS a revitalised and rebuilt regional rail network!

In a major report commissioned by the Australasian Railway Association, released on November 21 2017 at the National AUSRAIL PLUS 2017 Conference attended by over 900 rail experts and delegates in Brisbane, Deloitte Access Economics’ ‘Value of Rail Report’ highlights the contribution of rail to Australia, the $26 billion it injects into the national economy each year - and puts the case for continued growth in freight and regional rail services in the years ahead.
Releasing details of the report, the Australasian Railway Association’s (ARA) Chief Executive Officer, Danny Broad said that Australia’s population is increasing by 370,000 people every year, creating congestion and the demand for improved transport solutions.
“To manage these challenges, Australia will have to develop its multi modal transport solutions with light and heavy rail as its spine to provide the solutions that Australia needs in shaping our cities and our regions into the future.
“The story with growth in freight traffic is even greater – a potential 88% increase in kilometres travelled by 2050, and an increase of some 2.5 million trucks and light commercial vehicles on our roads.
“This growth in freight underscores the need for an efficient supply chain and for a heavy vehicle pricing framework that accurately captures the cost of road infrastructure provision and the negative externalities of road usage, such as congestion, vehicle emission and accidents – a point which is reinforced in the report.
“It is precisely for these reasons that the ARA has been engaging with Commonwealth, State and Territory governments on the benefits of our National Rail Industry Plan.
“The cost-benefit analysis is clear, rail makes a significant contribution to the Australian economy. We inject around $26 billion into the national economy, contributing 1.6% of GDP and a key enabler of exports.
"We create over 140,000 jobs in our cities and our regions, provide safe, efficient, environmentally and socially beneficial modes of transport.
“We ask governments to get on board and implement our National Rail Industry Plan to provide the rail industry and the broader Australian community with long-term certainty of improved transport solutions for the benefit of all.”
Sounds a bit like us, doesn’t it? GET ON BOARD, South Australian politicians - here’s proof that SA’s regional rail lines need to be refurbished and revitalised!
(Click these links to get the following from the Australasian Railway Association: The 2-page highlights summary, the deeper 20-page summary, or the Full Report from Deloitte Access Economics.)
Releasing details of the report, the Australasian Railway Association’s (ARA) Chief Executive Officer, Danny Broad said that Australia’s population is increasing by 370,000 people every year, creating congestion and the demand for improved transport solutions.
“To manage these challenges, Australia will have to develop its multi modal transport solutions with light and heavy rail as its spine to provide the solutions that Australia needs in shaping our cities and our regions into the future.
“The story with growth in freight traffic is even greater – a potential 88% increase in kilometres travelled by 2050, and an increase of some 2.5 million trucks and light commercial vehicles on our roads.
“This growth in freight underscores the need for an efficient supply chain and for a heavy vehicle pricing framework that accurately captures the cost of road infrastructure provision and the negative externalities of road usage, such as congestion, vehicle emission and accidents – a point which is reinforced in the report.
“It is precisely for these reasons that the ARA has been engaging with Commonwealth, State and Territory governments on the benefits of our National Rail Industry Plan.
“The cost-benefit analysis is clear, rail makes a significant contribution to the Australian economy. We inject around $26 billion into the national economy, contributing 1.6% of GDP and a key enabler of exports.
"We create over 140,000 jobs in our cities and our regions, provide safe, efficient, environmentally and socially beneficial modes of transport.
“We ask governments to get on board and implement our National Rail Industry Plan to provide the rail industry and the broader Australian community with long-term certainty of improved transport solutions for the benefit of all.”
Sounds a bit like us, doesn’t it? GET ON BOARD, South Australian politicians - here’s proof that SA’s regional rail lines need to be refurbished and revitalised!
(Click these links to get the following from the Australasian Railway Association: The 2-page highlights summary, the deeper 20-page summary, or the Full Report from Deloitte Access Economics.)
Below is our Slideshow which shows the ruin which SA's rural rail network currently finds itself in (also, check our Gallery page for these and more photos sent in by you!)
If you're in Regional SA and you know of similar degradation of lines in your area, please send your images to us so that we can add them. Go to our Contact Us page for details about how to do that.
In the meantime, check out our images in this page - and remember these lines and infrastructure must be operational and 'ready to go' within a fortnight! (crying or rage is allowed!)
If you're in Regional SA and you know of similar degradation of lines in your area, please send your images to us so that we can add them. Go to our Contact Us page for details about how to do that.
In the meantime, check out our images in this page - and remember these lines and infrastructure must be operational and 'ready to go' within a fortnight! (crying or rage is allowed!)
Resources downloads
Below are resources including media releases, maps and backgrounders to help you understand our campaign. Feel free to circulate them to your friends who may have an interest in what we're doing!