The SOUTH AUSTRALIAN REGIONAL RAIL ALLIANCE (SARRA) is made up of a group of regional South Australians who believe that SA would benefit from the return of regional rail passenger and rail freight services on rail lines effectively abandoned over the past 4 decades by successive State governments. This site records the maladministration and a lack of responsibility that successive State governments have given to this issue and how those governments have failed in their duty of care to regional South Australians. We ask that you explore this website and take part in our efforts to revive and revitalise regional rail in SA. Below are some of our latest comments and revelations you should be immediately aware of - please follow the links for further information where provided - or use the Navigation bar above.
The SOUTH AUSTRALIAN REGIONAL RAIL ALLIANCE (SARRA) is made up of a group of regional South Australians who believe that SA would benefit from the return of regional rail passenger and rail freight services on rail lines effectively abandoned over the past 4 decades by successive State governments. This site records the maladministration and a lack of responsibility that successive State governments have given to this issue and how those governments have failed in their duty of care to regional South Australians. We ask that you explore this website and take part in our efforts to revive and revitalise regional rail in SA. Below are some of our latest comments and revelations you should be immediately aware of - please follow the links for further information where provided - or use the Navigation bar above.
With the dust now settling after an historic State election, the South Australian Regional Rail Alliance, is, for the first time in years, confident that at long last the transport and mobility needs of regional SA WILL be addressed by a government inclusive of the needs of ALL South Australians.
Those viewing this website and our FaceBook page over recent months and years will recognised that SARRA long predicted the demise of the Liberal Marshall Government - but even in our most hallucinogenic dreams did we predict the landslide of the size it was against the Libs. But this wasn’t just a rejection of the Liberals, it was a whole-hearted endorsement of Labor and its Leader Peter Malinauskas, who may be destined to be the best Premier since Don Dunstan. |
From a regional perspective, the astounding victory by Geoff Brock over the ‘Big Bird’ Dan Van Holst Pellekaan in the Country Seat of Stuart was one for the ages and showed a maturity by regional voters (which spread to other country electorates) that the Liberals’ ‘born to rule’ days are very well and truly behind us.
That, coupled with the Premier’s decision to not only include Mr Brock in the new State Cabinet - but also to give him some key portfolios Like Roads and Local Government - augurs well for rural and regional SA.
That, coupled with the Premier’s decision to not only include Mr Brock in the new State Cabinet - but also to give him some key portfolios Like Roads and Local Government - augurs well for rural and regional SA.
Last year in October, SARRA caught up with Geoff Brock who undertook to investigate the contractural and political impediments standing in the way of a return of regional freight and passenger services.
Mr Brock made the commitment after hearing first-hand of SARRA's own investigations into the issue - and listening to a Burra resident who told him of the massive logistical and financial imposts facing rural South Australians unable to drive - or use inadequate and sporadic bus services - to get to and from Adelaide for business or medical reasons. SARRA was also able to discuss with him the appalling road degradation wrought by increasing numbers of B-Double and B-triple road-freighters tearing up regional highways - something he was already aware of as a result of travelling his electorate and regional areas beyond. Now Mr Brock is in the new Cabinet, and as Minister for Roads, SARRA is certain he will make good on his promises. See our interview with Mr Brock (filmed in October 2021), below...... Runs 8mins 40 secs approx.... |
(our pre-election story....) Tick Tock…Tick Tock….. Marshall ran up the Electoral Clock…the clock struck Dumb…the Libs fell down …and the State is ready to rock!!
Yes folks…we’re just a few days away from the demise of the Marshall Government – and we don’t say that lightly. All political pundits and polls are predicting a Liberal loss…the only debate now is how many seats will the Libs lose.
But for a new State government – whether Labor wins outright or whether it will govern with the support of Independents, an interesting ‘spanner’ has been thrown into the mix – a substantial lift in the cost of living due to petrol and power costs.
Not that it matters, but Marshall has thrown the problem to the Federal Government, calling for a reduction in fuel excise…. hands dusted, walk away....
Incoming Premier Malinauskas has promised State funding for those hurting at the lower end of the economic spectrum…that extra funding will not be a lot, but at least he’s doing what he can, balanced against his other promises to improve health and other critical issues left unaddressed by four years of Marshall mismanagement.
Can our politicians do better…? SARRA believes they can, particularly in the REGIONS where petrol costs will hit the hardest.
SARRA Convenor Paul Henley says any incoming State government must get regional passenger rail back on track as a matter of renewed urgency, as a result of the impending fuel crisis.
“We have been calling on the Marshall Government to reintroduce train services, but the Liberals have ignored regional SA despite the region’s massive contribution to the State’s wealth," Mr Henley said.
“That wealth can grow if the incoming government addresses regional mobility, based on ‘spinal’ rail services to Murray Bridge, Pinnaroo, Mount Gambier, the Riverland, the Mid North - and the Spencer Gulf towns of Port Pirie, Port Augusta and Whyalla.
“The impending fuel crisis will further restrict mobility in regional SA just when we need to boost regional economies.
“Trains, fed by buses to regional rail hubs, are needed NOW,” Mr Henley said.
“We’ve been telling various governments this for years – and now it will bite our politicians just where we said it would – where the Sun don’t shine….!”
“Get on board, Premier Malinauskas – or face problems Marshall only dreamt about in his worst nightmares.”
Yes folks…we’re just a few days away from the demise of the Marshall Government – and we don’t say that lightly. All political pundits and polls are predicting a Liberal loss…the only debate now is how many seats will the Libs lose.
But for a new State government – whether Labor wins outright or whether it will govern with the support of Independents, an interesting ‘spanner’ has been thrown into the mix – a substantial lift in the cost of living due to petrol and power costs.
Not that it matters, but Marshall has thrown the problem to the Federal Government, calling for a reduction in fuel excise…. hands dusted, walk away....
Incoming Premier Malinauskas has promised State funding for those hurting at the lower end of the economic spectrum…that extra funding will not be a lot, but at least he’s doing what he can, balanced against his other promises to improve health and other critical issues left unaddressed by four years of Marshall mismanagement.
Can our politicians do better…? SARRA believes they can, particularly in the REGIONS where petrol costs will hit the hardest.
SARRA Convenor Paul Henley says any incoming State government must get regional passenger rail back on track as a matter of renewed urgency, as a result of the impending fuel crisis.
“We have been calling on the Marshall Government to reintroduce train services, but the Liberals have ignored regional SA despite the region’s massive contribution to the State’s wealth," Mr Henley said.
“That wealth can grow if the incoming government addresses regional mobility, based on ‘spinal’ rail services to Murray Bridge, Pinnaroo, Mount Gambier, the Riverland, the Mid North - and the Spencer Gulf towns of Port Pirie, Port Augusta and Whyalla.
“The impending fuel crisis will further restrict mobility in regional SA just when we need to boost regional economies.
“Trains, fed by buses to regional rail hubs, are needed NOW,” Mr Henley said.
“We’ve been telling various governments this for years – and now it will bite our politicians just where we said it would – where the Sun don’t shine….!”
“Get on board, Premier Malinauskas – or face problems Marshall only dreamt about in his worst nightmares.”
One of Europe’s major train manufacturers has announced that it willing to fund a $2.5m trial which is likely to see a return of train services to Mount Barker.
One of Europe’s major train manufacturers has announced that it willing to fund a $2.5m trial which is likely to see a return of train services to Mount Barker.
TALGO – a rail-vehicle manufacturer based in Spain and with a long history of supporting the development of train services worldwide, says it is working in partnership with former SA transport department chief Luigi Rossi and aerospace engineer Edwin Michell – and says it will fund the viability trial at no cost to the State Government.
According to The Advertiser late in the afternoon of March 8, TALGO’s Head of Business Development Jesus Rodriguez said the funds for the trial would be obtained via Fondo para la Internacionalización de la Empresa, a grant scheme managed by the Spanish State Secretary for Trade.
Mr Rodriguez said however that the SA Government would need to provide written support for the trial – and with the State election just around the corner, SARRA notes that Labor’s Transport Shadow Minister Tom Koutsantonis said Labor would back the trial if elected to government.
The current Liberal Transport Minister Corey Wingard – whose wild over-the-top and discredited - costings on the return of rail passenger services to the Adelaide Hills is, according to The Advertiser, waiting for ….a detailed proposal [which] had not yet been received….
SARRA’s Convenor Paul Henley said: “This announcement is a major step forward and is good news for regional rail in SA.”
“TALGO is a strategic global thinker when it comes to rail services and we can see the company also looking at other regional rail opportunities in SA as well,” Mr Henley said.
He praised Labor’s Tom Koutsantonis for backing the trial.
“In all reality, the Marshall Government is about to lose office and its total disregard for regional rail and regional development will be relegated to the political waste-paper bin.”
“This is a game-changer, and we welcome TALGO’s interest and support,” Mr Henley said.
According to The Advertiser late in the afternoon of March 8, TALGO’s Head of Business Development Jesus Rodriguez said the funds for the trial would be obtained via Fondo para la Internacionalización de la Empresa, a grant scheme managed by the Spanish State Secretary for Trade.
Mr Rodriguez said however that the SA Government would need to provide written support for the trial – and with the State election just around the corner, SARRA notes that Labor’s Transport Shadow Minister Tom Koutsantonis said Labor would back the trial if elected to government.
The current Liberal Transport Minister Corey Wingard – whose wild over-the-top and discredited - costings on the return of rail passenger services to the Adelaide Hills is, according to The Advertiser, waiting for ….a detailed proposal [which] had not yet been received….
SARRA’s Convenor Paul Henley said: “This announcement is a major step forward and is good news for regional rail in SA.”
“TALGO is a strategic global thinker when it comes to rail services and we can see the company also looking at other regional rail opportunities in SA as well,” Mr Henley said.
He praised Labor’s Tom Koutsantonis for backing the trial.
“In all reality, the Marshall Government is about to lose office and its total disregard for regional rail and regional development will be relegated to the political waste-paper bin.”
“This is a game-changer, and we welcome TALGO’s interest and support,” Mr Henley said.
With the Winter Olympics coming to an end, the next slippery slope our local ‘competitors’ are now facing makes the icy slopes of Beijing look like ‘kiddy car’ stuff.
Yes folks, the State Election has been officially declared by the issuing of the Writs signed off by the Governor.....and she’d better put the beer on ice now to welcome a new Premier after March 19...a Premier whose Party enjoys beer – not the Chardonnay of the other Party.... SARRA is firmly of the view that Labor’s Peter Malinauskas will hold the Gold Medal high on the Winners' Podium as the new Premier, ably supported by a handful of Independents – the majority of whom support the return of regional passenger and freight services to key routes beyond Gepps Cross and Glen Osmond. With the current Liberal Treasurer and Liberal puppeteer gone.. |
(a man who SARRA knows for certain said 2 years ago that.........”There will never be another train service of any kind beyond the metropolitan area....!”, we can only hope and implore the next State Government to make positive announcements about rural rail in this next Parliamentary Term. We note that former Labour Governments and this Liberal Government have apparently been held hostage to the mandarins of the Department of Transport and Infrastructure who either have done their masters’ bidding ...or for other reasons we can only speculate about....have denied rural residents access to regional rail.
For those who follow us, please take this once-in-four-years opportunity to look at what this current Marshall Govt has NOT done for us. Speak to your friends, your neighbours, your mates in regional pubs, cafes, motels, shops and tourist venues and PUSH FOR A CHANGE OF GOVERNMENT AND A PUSH FOR TRANSPORT CHANGE beyond metro Adelaide...
Stay watching here as we provide you the ‘ammunition’ to carry the message forward.....
For those who follow us, please take this once-in-four-years opportunity to look at what this current Marshall Govt has NOT done for us. Speak to your friends, your neighbours, your mates in regional pubs, cafes, motels, shops and tourist venues and PUSH FOR A CHANGE OF GOVERNMENT AND A PUSH FOR TRANSPORT CHANGE beyond metro Adelaide...
Stay watching here as we provide you the ‘ammunition’ to carry the message forward.....
With the State Election now just weeks away and the Marshall Government almost certainly gone for all money, it appears increasingly likely that present and in-coming Independent MPs will play a decisive role in establishing the new State Government. Two particularly are great supporters of rail - Dan Cregan from the Adelaide Hills - and Geoff Brock from the Spencer Gulf.
A third country independent, Troy Bell from Mt Gambier, has said publicly that he'll support projects that will see his area grow - thus would more than likely support train services to the South East. On Sunday February 13, Geoff Brock re-affirmed his support for rail passenger services to Spencer Gulf, when he talked with Kerrie Akkermans on Adelaide radio station 5AA. Take a listen to Geoff's interview below (runs 5 mins 10 secs approx) - and we can only urge our supporters in the Spencer Gulf to get behind Geoff and ensure his re-election.
The South Australian Regional Rail Alliance has added its voice in support of those left dumb-founded by the latest Marshall Government instigated report which has officially proposed a ‘road’ solution over rail to serve the public transport needs of Mount Barker and the Adelaide Hills region.
“ISA’s excuse that busses would be quicker than trains flies in the face of evidence from past and present train drivers that even older trains were able to get from the Hills to Adelaide in about 50 minutes – not the 70 minutes ISA has claimed.
“That ISA should recommend a bus solution – and in the same report acknowledge the increasing number of road smashes and breakdowns on the SEF – and yet further recommend being able to shuffle road barriers around and have tow-trucks on permanent standby – highlights just how silly their road-based proposal is.
“And, like the wildly over-exaggerated rail-solution costings provided by Transport Minister Corey Wingard last year, ISA’s rail costings only provide the Marshall Government’s with yet another excuse not to consider regional rail solutions.
“Viable Adelaide Hills rail solutions have been costed by experienced rail engineers at a fraction of what Wingard and ISA have jabbered on about.
“Government costings and this latest report should be seen for what they are – just poor political ‘window-dressing’ and compounding lame excuses to do nothing.
“SARRA supports local MP Dan Cregan and the efforts of others in their opposition to this report – and at the same time calls on the Labor Party to come out in full support of regional rail.
“SARRA and its supporters are firmly of the view that the Marshall Government will be turfed out of office at the upcoming election and calls on the Labor and Independents-led incoming government to provide rail services to regional SA,” Mr Henley said.
“That ISA should recommend a bus solution – and in the same report acknowledge the increasing number of road smashes and breakdowns on the SEF – and yet further recommend being able to shuffle road barriers around and have tow-trucks on permanent standby – highlights just how silly their road-based proposal is.
“And, like the wildly over-exaggerated rail-solution costings provided by Transport Minister Corey Wingard last year, ISA’s rail costings only provide the Marshall Government’s with yet another excuse not to consider regional rail solutions.
“Viable Adelaide Hills rail solutions have been costed by experienced rail engineers at a fraction of what Wingard and ISA have jabbered on about.
“Government costings and this latest report should be seen for what they are – just poor political ‘window-dressing’ and compounding lame excuses to do nothing.
“SARRA supports local MP Dan Cregan and the efforts of others in their opposition to this report – and at the same time calls on the Labor Party to come out in full support of regional rail.
“SARRA and its supporters are firmly of the view that the Marshall Government will be turfed out of office at the upcoming election and calls on the Labor and Independents-led incoming government to provide rail services to regional SA,” Mr Henley said.

With the Melbourne Cup just around the corner, no doubt those who visit this page will be turning their minds to the odd flutter on the gee gees - but with the number of horses running in that event, the chances of placing a bet on the likely winner is, as always, like winning the Jackpot at a casino.g
WANT A SURER BET...? Place money on the MARSHALL GOVERNMENT losing the March Election! You’ll be on a WINNER!
The litany of outrageous policy back-flips, inaction, arrogance and total political deafness by the Marshall Government continues to astound and disappoint South Australians, with increasing thousands of voters now expressing their views publicly that while they may have voted for the Liberals at the last election WILL NEVER DO SO AGAIN!
This public vitriol over privatisation, the loss of the Adelaide 500, the ‘travel rorts’ affair, rising power costs and the lack of concern for the ever-suffering Adelaide Hills residents who think it’s a miracle if they survive their daily commute on the South Eastern Freeway, was again underscored today with news that Transport Minister Corey Wingard HAS REFUSED TO COMMENT ON THE LATEST ‘BUTCHERY’ OF THE BAROSSA RAIL LINE, and his REFUSAL TO DENY THAT THE LINE MAY BE RIPPED UP in the dying gasp of his Government.
His comments came at the end of an article by Advertiser journalist Michael McGuire in both the printed and digital editions of the ‘Tiser today (25 October - see images below) which by any interpretation indicates that the Marshall Government is pursuing a ‘Scorched Earth’ policy, ensuring any new incoming government will need to bleed money to restore assets which will benefit SA - including the return of the Adelaide 500 - AND the Barossa Tourist Train.
Both tourism assets are ‘no brainers’ when it comes to supporting and uplifting both city and regional economies.
What is it that the Marshall Government doesn’t understand...the political deafness it is displaying is breath-taking!
The one positive in today’s Advertiser stories (apart from the former owner of the Wine Train Bluebirds, John Geber, saying he has retained the ‘interiors’ of his (now-sold) Bluebirds, for retro-fitting into an new Barossa Tourist Train based on 3000-class trains) IS THAT IT APPEARS THE BAROSSA COUNCIL may be supporting the retention of the Barossa line - in the first instance as a freight line to take hundreds of trucks off Barossa roads.
This is laudable - but while that would take some time to organise even under a government open to the return of rail to regional SA - the Tiser story reiterated what SARRA has been saying over many recent months - that the Barossa line can be returned to - and certified - as a ‘heritage’ line for the expenditure of not more than $2million!
But we have Wingard and Marshall standing, seemingly, on the track east of Gawler Central Station (where boom gates over the Murray Street and Edith St crossings have just this month been removed) waving red flags as their destruction gangs stand ready to PULL UP the Barossa Line, as has been predicted - and which hasn’t been denied by Wingard.
So, SARRA supporters...want to make a sure bet? Forget the Melbourne Cup.. find a bookie who will take your bet on the Marshall Government being booted out in March! ....and by the way, dust off the footy boots and play your part in kicking them ‘out of bounds’ in the months ahead....!
WANT A SURER BET...? Place money on the MARSHALL GOVERNMENT losing the March Election! You’ll be on a WINNER!
The litany of outrageous policy back-flips, inaction, arrogance and total political deafness by the Marshall Government continues to astound and disappoint South Australians, with increasing thousands of voters now expressing their views publicly that while they may have voted for the Liberals at the last election WILL NEVER DO SO AGAIN!
This public vitriol over privatisation, the loss of the Adelaide 500, the ‘travel rorts’ affair, rising power costs and the lack of concern for the ever-suffering Adelaide Hills residents who think it’s a miracle if they survive their daily commute on the South Eastern Freeway, was again underscored today with news that Transport Minister Corey Wingard HAS REFUSED TO COMMENT ON THE LATEST ‘BUTCHERY’ OF THE BAROSSA RAIL LINE, and his REFUSAL TO DENY THAT THE LINE MAY BE RIPPED UP in the dying gasp of his Government.
His comments came at the end of an article by Advertiser journalist Michael McGuire in both the printed and digital editions of the ‘Tiser today (25 October - see images below) which by any interpretation indicates that the Marshall Government is pursuing a ‘Scorched Earth’ policy, ensuring any new incoming government will need to bleed money to restore assets which will benefit SA - including the return of the Adelaide 500 - AND the Barossa Tourist Train.
Both tourism assets are ‘no brainers’ when it comes to supporting and uplifting both city and regional economies.
What is it that the Marshall Government doesn’t understand...the political deafness it is displaying is breath-taking!
The one positive in today’s Advertiser stories (apart from the former owner of the Wine Train Bluebirds, John Geber, saying he has retained the ‘interiors’ of his (now-sold) Bluebirds, for retro-fitting into an new Barossa Tourist Train based on 3000-class trains) IS THAT IT APPEARS THE BAROSSA COUNCIL may be supporting the retention of the Barossa line - in the first instance as a freight line to take hundreds of trucks off Barossa roads.
This is laudable - but while that would take some time to organise even under a government open to the return of rail to regional SA - the Tiser story reiterated what SARRA has been saying over many recent months - that the Barossa line can be returned to - and certified - as a ‘heritage’ line for the expenditure of not more than $2million!
But we have Wingard and Marshall standing, seemingly, on the track east of Gawler Central Station (where boom gates over the Murray Street and Edith St crossings have just this month been removed) waving red flags as their destruction gangs stand ready to PULL UP the Barossa Line, as has been predicted - and which hasn’t been denied by Wingard.
So, SARRA supporters...want to make a sure bet? Forget the Melbourne Cup.. find a bookie who will take your bet on the Marshall Government being booted out in March! ....and by the way, dust off the footy boots and play your part in kicking them ‘out of bounds’ in the months ahead....!
On Monday October 11 at the latest meeting convened by the South Australian Transport Action Group to discuss the increasingly frustrating public transport issues facing the Adelaide Hills, angry residents wanting a return of trains rather than a bus/road solution vented their frustration by hissing at Transport Minister Corey Wingard during his 5-minute address.
Their ire was peaked when Wingard repeated his old mantra - MORE reports and planning (despite the fact the Minister probably can't get into his office due to the mountains of reports already done on trains and public transport in SA) -- AND he again raised his belief (no doubt provided to him by his anti-rail Transport Mandarins) that any rail solution to serve the Adelaide Hills was likely to cost $12BILLION, when in fact engineers have said that a rail solution using the existing Standard Gauge line would likely cost less than $50million (including new rolling stock).
The following morning, on the highly-rated David Bevan morning program on ABC891, Wingard regurgitated the same stuff, despite David's best efforts to get some commitment (ANY commitment) from him.
No wonder former Liberal MP for the area, Dan Cregan, has dumped the Liberal Party to run as an Independent.
...TICK TOCK, TICK TOCK....time is running out for the Liberals as this issue and others will likely see the Party lose Government at the March Election.
Hear David Bevan's interview with the Minister below....(runs 7mins 40 secs approx...)
On Monday October 11 at the latest meeting convened by the South Australian Transport Action Group to discuss the increasingly frustrating public transport issues facing the Adelaide Hills, angry residents wanting a return of trains rather than a bus/road solution vented their frustration by hissing at Transport Minister Corey Wingard during his 5-minute address.
Their ire was peaked when Wingard repeated his old mantra - MORE reports and planning (despite the fact the Minister probably can't get into his office due to the mountains of reports already done on trains and public transport in SA) -- AND he again raised his belief (no doubt provided to him by his anti-rail Transport Mandarins) that any rail solution to serve the Adelaide Hills was likely to cost $12BILLION, when in fact engineers have said that a rail solution using the existing Standard Gauge line would likely cost less than $50million (including new rolling stock).
The following morning, on the highly-rated David Bevan morning program on ABC891, Wingard regurgitated the same stuff, despite David's best efforts to get some commitment (ANY commitment) from him.
No wonder former Liberal MP for the area, Dan Cregan, has dumped the Liberal Party to run as an Independent.
...TICK TOCK, TICK TOCK....time is running out for the Liberals as this issue and others will likely see the Party lose Government at the March Election.
Hear David Bevan's interview with the Minister below....(runs 7mins 40 secs approx...)
Rural MP Geoff Brock whose Electorate encompasses parts of SA's 'Iron Triangle' and near regional communities has undertaken to investigate contractural and political impediments standing in the way of a return of regional freight and passenger services to South Australia.
Mr Brock made the commitment after meeting (in the first week of October) with SARRA's leaders in Burra to hear first-hand of SARRA's own investigations into the issue - and listening to a Burra resident who told him of the massive logistical and financial imposts facing rural South Australians |
While the Marshall Government fiddles over what to do with the traffic disaster that is the South Eastern Freeway, SARRA's views on the matter are increasingly being sought by SA's media - including The Advertiser, 5AA and ABC891.
The latest to call us was ABC891's drive-time Jules Schiller, who spoke on-air with our Convenor, Paul Henley, on September 4. Hear the interview below.... |
unable to drive - or use inadequate and sporadic bus services - to get to and from Adelaide for business or medical reasons.SARRA was also able to discuss with him the appalling road degradation wrought by increasing numbers of B-Double and B-triple road-freighters tearing up regional highways - something he was already aware of as a result of travelling his electorate and regional areas beyond.
SARRA was most impressed with with his passion to bring back regional rail passenger and freight services, and his commitment to take the matter further in Parliament. We can only wish him the best for re-election at the March 2022 State Election - and his commitment to investigate the impediments which stand in the way of regional rail in the meantime.
After the meeting, we were able to interview Geoff...drag up a coffee and see the video below....(runs 8 mins 40 secs approx - make sure your speakers are on and the volume is turned up...)
SARRA was most impressed with with his passion to bring back regional rail passenger and freight services, and his commitment to take the matter further in Parliament. We can only wish him the best for re-election at the March 2022 State Election - and his commitment to investigate the impediments which stand in the way of regional rail in the meantime.
After the meeting, we were able to interview Geoff...drag up a coffee and see the video below....(runs 8 mins 40 secs approx - make sure your speakers are on and the volume is turned up...)
In late September 2021, The Adelaide Advertiser reported on the State’s road toll ‘deadly divide’ – a summation of road accident deaths between country and metropolitan SA.
It reported (accurately) that almost 70 percent of road fatalities so far this year occurred in the State’s country regions – putting the statistics down to a mix of speeding, distractions, drink and drug driving, inattention and failure to wear a seat belt. But a bigger looming threat to increased country road deaths is the CONDITION OF COUNTRY ROADS. The condition of the State’s bitumenised country roads – either what is regarded our country ‘highways’ or feeder roads to them – is increasingly shocking, and, unchecked or unmaintained, will be a significant and accelerating contributor to country road deaths in the years ahead. |
While all country readers of this SARRA website will no doubt have ‘horror’ stories of their own in their areas, nowhere is this better illustrated than the Barrier Highway - the east-west road and road-freight link to Sydney and Perth and connector to Broken Hill and SA’s Outback.
Check this video below. Note that this vision was taken where it was possible, in relatively ‘safe’ areas. Where the Highway is at its absolute worst is on corners or ‘blind spots’ where it is not possible to safely stop to get imagery.
Check this video below. Note that this vision was taken where it was possible, in relatively ‘safe’ areas. Where the Highway is at its absolute worst is on corners or ‘blind spots’ where it is not possible to safely stop to get imagery.
The state of the Barrier Highway is a disgrace – and despite promises made for its repair, there appears to be no rush by our Adelaide-centric politicians to re-make the road, or for that matter, dozens of other country roads that are death-traps’ in the making. No wonder the State’s ruling (country) Liberal politicians want to jump ship while the Marshall Government spends hundreds of millions of dollars on metropolitan roads so that mumma can get the kids to school two minutes’ faster. |
The answer is to divert that money to repair country roads – AND TO REMOVE THE INCREASING TONNAGE OF ROAD FREIGHT TO RAIL FREIGHT.
Road freight is responsible for the destruction of country roads – AND NEEDS TO BE REDUCED AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.
Not only would a return to rail freight make country roads safer – but a resurgence of RAIL freight would create hundreds of jobs in rural SA.
NOW IS THE TIME to make a noise about this, people. The Marshall government is almost certain to be defeated at the next election – so bring the matter to the attention of the Labor opposition – and our country Independents – AND SAVE COUNTRY LIVES...!
Road freight is responsible for the destruction of country roads – AND NEEDS TO BE REDUCED AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.
Not only would a return to rail freight make country roads safer – but a resurgence of RAIL freight would create hundreds of jobs in rural SA.
NOW IS THE TIME to make a noise about this, people. The Marshall government is almost certain to be defeated at the next election – so bring the matter to the attention of the Labor opposition – and our country Independents – AND SAVE COUNTRY LIVES...!
AS South Australia rolls inexorably toward TWO elections - Federal and State - the need to sort out the mess which is the South Eastern Freeway, and the crying need to extend passenger, tourist and commuter rail services into rural South Australia - should be looming large on the political horizon for both SCOMO and MARSHALL.
But the way things are going, both the Federal and State Governments are thundering downhill to a dangerous electoral crossroad - and a political car-wreck looks likely for both the Federal and State Liberal Parties.
In the month of May alone, the Adelaide Hills/SE Freeway issue attracted increasing radio news and talkback commentary, to which SARRA contributed.
Have a listen to the (edited) clips, from 5AA’s Leon Byner’s top-rating morning program, to a segment by Paul Gough on ABC 891’s Afternoon program, and to the ABC 891’s indefatigable Peter Goers Evening program, below...
Will Marshall take heed....? On his performance so far, he’s unlikely to....his government is likely to be a fatality at the electoral crossroad coming up in for SCOMO and Boothby....let’s just say they're on ‘life support’ at the moment.....
But the way things are going, both the Federal and State Governments are thundering downhill to a dangerous electoral crossroad - and a political car-wreck looks likely for both the Federal and State Liberal Parties.
In the month of May alone, the Adelaide Hills/SE Freeway issue attracted increasing radio news and talkback commentary, to which SARRA contributed.
Have a listen to the (edited) clips, from 5AA’s Leon Byner’s top-rating morning program, to a segment by Paul Gough on ABC 891’s Afternoon program, and to the ABC 891’s indefatigable Peter Goers Evening program, below...
Will Marshall take heed....? On his performance so far, he’s unlikely to....his government is likely to be a fatality at the electoral crossroad coming up in for SCOMO and Boothby....let’s just say they're on ‘life support’ at the moment.....
Leon Byner, 5AA - (runs 7mins 30 secs)
Paul Gough, ABC 891 - (4mins 20 secs)
Peter Goers, ABC 891 ( 7mins 50secs)
...and read our extended thoughts about this matter by downloading our Editorial, at right, here ...
The future of a Barossa Tourist Train may have returned to the ‘too hard basket’ following the pre-selection of Premier Marshall’s media apparatchik who (on February 13) was effectively ‘parachuted’ into the seat of Schubert to represent the Liberals at the 2022 State election.
So how does Hurn’s pre-selection affect the possible instatement of a Barossa Tourist Train? Well may you ask! Of the three candidates, only ONE came out publicly as a strong supporter of the BTT and who was willing to ‘crack the whip’ over the backsides of Department of Transport and Department of Tourism mandarins to make a BTT a reality.
But with Hurn now safely ensconced in Schubert, the Liberals are no longer likely to be pressured internally to see a return of the BTT – or other regional rail opportunities, for that matter.
“Move along Citizens...there’s nothing to see here....”
(SEE our detailed summation of this turn of events, by downloading the PDF file below...)
So how does Hurn’s pre-selection affect the possible instatement of a Barossa Tourist Train? Well may you ask! Of the three candidates, only ONE came out publicly as a strong supporter of the BTT and who was willing to ‘crack the whip’ over the backsides of Department of Transport and Department of Tourism mandarins to make a BTT a reality.
But with Hurn now safely ensconced in Schubert, the Liberals are no longer likely to be pressured internally to see a return of the BTT – or other regional rail opportunities, for that matter.
“Move along Citizens...there’s nothing to see here....”
(SEE our detailed summation of this turn of events, by downloading the PDF file below...)

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In the turmoil which has embraced the Barossa electorate of Schubert in the the last few weeks, SARRA is putting forward a new proposal which could see a Barossa TOURIST Train serving SA's premium wine and tourist destination after the State Election in 2022.
Our proposal is based on the election of a State LABOR Government in 2022 - which is highly likely given the change in Electoral boundaries, and the absolute rudderless steerage of State affairs by the Liberal Marshall Government on matters beyond COVID.
With many issues like Transport in a parlous state, SA is up the proverbial 'shit-creek'.
SARRA proposes an option to reconfigure some of the 3000 Class trains (which will become redundant when the Gawler line is electrified) for use as a BAROSSA TOURIST TRAIN!
Want to know more....? DOWNLOAD a brief summary of our proposal as a .PDF document below!
Our proposal is based on the election of a State LABOR Government in 2022 - which is highly likely given the change in Electoral boundaries, and the absolute rudderless steerage of State affairs by the Liberal Marshall Government on matters beyond COVID.
With many issues like Transport in a parlous state, SA is up the proverbial 'shit-creek'.
SARRA proposes an option to reconfigure some of the 3000 Class trains (which will become redundant when the Gawler line is electrified) for use as a BAROSSA TOURIST TRAIN!
Want to know more....? DOWNLOAD a brief summary of our proposal as a .PDF document below!

btt_way_forward.pdf | |
File Size: | 96 kb |
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The Member for Schubert Stephan Knoll - amidst electoral boundaries changes turmoil and the fall-out from his ‘parliamentary allowances’ imbroglio - has announced his retirement from politics and will not re-contest his Seat at the 2022 Election.
Knoll was once feted as the next Liberal State Premier – and in political terms, his ‘falling star’ has burned brighter than the return of the Japanese meteor probe to Earth north of Woomera.
As well - perhaps sensing that he may not have won Liberal Party pre-selection for his seat because of these issues – Stephan will leave the political stage at the next election after just one term as a politician.
SARRA was highly critical of his lack of interest in regional rail while he was Transport Minister – and remains highly critical of the Marshall Government’s overall disinterest in the benefits of regional rail generally. We rightly took ‘a bat’ to his lack of interest in regional rail – evidenced in earlier posts to this website - and with good reason. A return of regional rail services – both freight and passenger services – would have a great positive impact on regional SA, and we will continue to campaign for it.
But looking back on Stephan’s short political career the seeds of his undoing as a politician are clear:
Some of these decisions affected his electorate, specifically the removal of rail-line through Kroemer’s Crossing north of Tanunda, which has effectively severed (for the time being) the return of a Barossa Tourist Train north of Tanunda.
Stephan has acknowledged publicly that his time as an MP has taken its toll on his mental health, and for that SARRA can only offer our condolences. No job should take that toll.
He also cites his concern for his young family and the effect of being a full-time MP has had on his responsibilities as a good dad and husband. To that end again, SARRA fully understands this, and we hope that without the pressure of being an MP, Stephan can now fully concentrate more properly on matters closer to his heart.
Sadly, politics really is not a ‘young man’s game’. Politics is all-consuming. It is the province of the mature – people who can roll with the punches, people with ‘thick hides’ able to take the slings and arrows thrown at them without mercy, and people who can fight their way through the sewers of ill-informed shit dished up by paid Departmental ‘crap generators’ and others who believe their shit doesn’t stink.
Sadly, Stephan was too young – and intrinsically too nice – to take that battering.
We’ve had our own battles with his decisions when he was Minister – but we wish him well for his future - and his family’s future.
If we can offer him any advice – it would be to get out of the political arena entirely. He should not even contemplate private-sector roles in transport or attendant industries. His ghostly past will not relieve him of the ‘mental demons’ such roles might generate.
His return to his family company – Barossa Fine Foods – would give him a better career forward.
All the best Stephan. You're not the first to have made a bad career decision. It is just a pity it was so public.
Knoll was once feted as the next Liberal State Premier – and in political terms, his ‘falling star’ has burned brighter than the return of the Japanese meteor probe to Earth north of Woomera.
As well - perhaps sensing that he may not have won Liberal Party pre-selection for his seat because of these issues – Stephan will leave the political stage at the next election after just one term as a politician.
SARRA was highly critical of his lack of interest in regional rail while he was Transport Minister – and remains highly critical of the Marshall Government’s overall disinterest in the benefits of regional rail generally. We rightly took ‘a bat’ to his lack of interest in regional rail – evidenced in earlier posts to this website - and with good reason. A return of regional rail services – both freight and passenger services – would have a great positive impact on regional SA, and we will continue to campaign for it.
But looking back on Stephan’s short political career the seeds of his undoing as a politician are clear:
- He clearly was poorly advised by political staffers and most particularly by the mandarins in the Department of Transport and Infrastructure.
- His incorrect use of his Parliamentary Allowance (where he admitted he used taxpayers’ funds to rent a room in his father’s Adelaide residence) crippled his political ambitions, leading to his resignation as a Marshall Government Minister.
- His ‘life experience’ was, on the surface, insufficient to see through the crap he was being fed from his advisors, leading to politically unpopular decisions. This exposed him to attack by his opponents who could see a ‘wounded cub’ in the Den which is State Parliament, North Terrace.
Some of these decisions affected his electorate, specifically the removal of rail-line through Kroemer’s Crossing north of Tanunda, which has effectively severed (for the time being) the return of a Barossa Tourist Train north of Tanunda.
Stephan has acknowledged publicly that his time as an MP has taken its toll on his mental health, and for that SARRA can only offer our condolences. No job should take that toll.
He also cites his concern for his young family and the effect of being a full-time MP has had on his responsibilities as a good dad and husband. To that end again, SARRA fully understands this, and we hope that without the pressure of being an MP, Stephan can now fully concentrate more properly on matters closer to his heart.
Sadly, politics really is not a ‘young man’s game’. Politics is all-consuming. It is the province of the mature – people who can roll with the punches, people with ‘thick hides’ able to take the slings and arrows thrown at them without mercy, and people who can fight their way through the sewers of ill-informed shit dished up by paid Departmental ‘crap generators’ and others who believe their shit doesn’t stink.
Sadly, Stephan was too young – and intrinsically too nice – to take that battering.
We’ve had our own battles with his decisions when he was Minister – but we wish him well for his future - and his family’s future.
If we can offer him any advice – it would be to get out of the political arena entirely. He should not even contemplate private-sector roles in transport or attendant industries. His ghostly past will not relieve him of the ‘mental demons’ such roles might generate.
His return to his family company – Barossa Fine Foods – would give him a better career forward.
All the best Stephan. You're not the first to have made a bad career decision. It is just a pity it was so public.

Since our story below, where the Member for the Gawler-centric State Seat of Light, Tony Piccolo, announced he was going to throw his Labor hat into the ring to contest the Seat of Schubert against Stephan ‘Grassy’ Knoll, the political Heavens have moved inexorably on….
These politically seismic shifts were predicated by the changing of the State’s electoral boundaries …overseen by an independent public-service body, whose job every four years is to adjust the boundaries based on the shifting sands of voter numbers, to ensure, as close as possible, that the next election will result in a ‘fair’ outcome, based on ‘one-vote, one-value’.
Along the way, the Electoral District Boundaries Commission (EDBC) issue a ‘draft’ of its intended changes, for public comment. In the case of the Seat of Schubert, the proposed re-draw took in extensive areas of Gawler, Mr Piccolo’s home-base. It also reduced the Liberals’ margin in Schubert from plus/minus 15% to plus/minus 5% - making Schubert a ‘marginal’ seat, and well within Labor’s grasp. On the basis of the PROPOSED new boundaries to Schubert, Mr Piccolo announced he would contest the seat at the 2022 election – and he took to the hustings with vigour, holding ‘listening posts’ in Barossa towns, and attending many events to raise his profile. The Labor ‘shadow Cabinet’ also visited Nuriootpa, where a packed audience was able to vent frustrations about the current Marshall Government.
All was going well for Mr Piccolo….UNTIL the EDBC handed down its FINAL boundaries re-draw! Gawler was taken out of the final Schubert boundary – and, remarkably, areas south of Williamstown – to the edge of the northern suburbs of metro Adelaide were included. As part of its deliberations, the EDBC must also take in ‘community interests and commonality’… and just how it arrived at the new Schubert boundary defies belief (see our map). Areas and towns south of the South Para Reservoir have always associated with the Adelaide Hills – NOT the Barossa. But nevertheless, the new boundaries are ‘set in stone’, returning the Seat of Schubert to a ‘safe’ Liberal seat with a margin of plus/minus 15%!
With Gawler now back in the Seat of Light, Mr Piccolo has withdrawn his Labor nomination for Schubert – but he will meet the commitments he made to Schubert, including a ‘task force’ to examine the return of the Barossa Wine Train (which he sensibly ‘renamed’ the Barossa TOURIST Train). He has held a first meeting of that group, and will continue those deliberations into the future. In the event of a Labor Government being elected in 2022, it is likely the Barossa will benefit from a return of a train to the area. Time will tell.
Since our story below, where the Member for the Gawler-centric State Seat of Light, Tony Piccolo, announced he was going to throw his Labor hat into the ring to contest the Seat of Schubert against Stephan ‘Grassy’ Knoll, the political Heavens have moved inexorably on….
These politically seismic shifts were predicated by the changing of the State’s electoral boundaries …overseen by an independent public-service body, whose job every four years is to adjust the boundaries based on the shifting sands of voter numbers, to ensure, as close as possible, that the next election will result in a ‘fair’ outcome, based on ‘one-vote, one-value’.
Along the way, the Electoral District Boundaries Commission (EDBC) issue a ‘draft’ of its intended changes, for public comment. In the case of the Seat of Schubert, the proposed re-draw took in extensive areas of Gawler, Mr Piccolo’s home-base. It also reduced the Liberals’ margin in Schubert from plus/minus 15% to plus/minus 5% - making Schubert a ‘marginal’ seat, and well within Labor’s grasp. On the basis of the PROPOSED new boundaries to Schubert, Mr Piccolo announced he would contest the seat at the 2022 election – and he took to the hustings with vigour, holding ‘listening posts’ in Barossa towns, and attending many events to raise his profile. The Labor ‘shadow Cabinet’ also visited Nuriootpa, where a packed audience was able to vent frustrations about the current Marshall Government.
All was going well for Mr Piccolo….UNTIL the EDBC handed down its FINAL boundaries re-draw! Gawler was taken out of the final Schubert boundary – and, remarkably, areas south of Williamstown – to the edge of the northern suburbs of metro Adelaide were included. As part of its deliberations, the EDBC must also take in ‘community interests and commonality’… and just how it arrived at the new Schubert boundary defies belief (see our map). Areas and towns south of the South Para Reservoir have always associated with the Adelaide Hills – NOT the Barossa. But nevertheless, the new boundaries are ‘set in stone’, returning the Seat of Schubert to a ‘safe’ Liberal seat with a margin of plus/minus 15%!
With Gawler now back in the Seat of Light, Mr Piccolo has withdrawn his Labor nomination for Schubert – but he will meet the commitments he made to Schubert, including a ‘task force’ to examine the return of the Barossa Wine Train (which he sensibly ‘renamed’ the Barossa TOURIST Train). He has held a first meeting of that group, and will continue those deliberations into the future. In the event of a Labor Government being elected in 2022, it is likely the Barossa will benefit from a return of a train to the area. Time will tell.
(read in association with the above posts) ..LABOR SMELLING THE LIBERALS' POLITICAL 'BLOOD IN THE WATER....'?

The likely new MP for the Barossa Electorate of Schubert after the next State Election, Tony Piccolo, is keen to see a return of the Barossa Wine Train - AND wants to explore the likelihood of re-invigorating regional rail more broadly.
He is treading carefully however - and it's up to us who support a return of regional rail in SA to contact the Labor Party - which is almost certainly likely to form the next State government in 2022 - and give 'em an earful. Pollies generally only jump when prodded by the proverbial 'red hot poker'!
Take a listen below to what Tony has to say about rural rail beyond the BWT issue - then send an email to Tom Koutsantonis, the Labor Shadow Transport Minister, to push the case for regional and rural rail.
Send your red-hot email poker to him at: [email protected]
He is treading carefully however - and it's up to us who support a return of regional rail in SA to contact the Labor Party - which is almost certainly likely to form the next State government in 2022 - and give 'em an earful. Pollies generally only jump when prodded by the proverbial 'red hot poker'!
Take a listen below to what Tony has to say about rural rail beyond the BWT issue - then send an email to Tom Koutsantonis, the Labor Shadow Transport Minister, to push the case for regional and rural rail.
Send your red-hot email poker to him at: [email protected]

The switchboard of Adelaide's most-listened-to talk-back radio host, Leon Byner of 5AA, ran hot over over August 11 and 12 as the need for the return of rail again took prominence on his morning program.
On August 11, Leon interviewed Robert Gottliebsen the well-known columnist for Business Spectator and economics writer for The Australian, who made a compelling case for the return of rail services to regional and rural Australia as a means of stimulating the economy and creating much needed jobs as the Nation recovers from COVID-19.
Leon, who continues to advocate for the resurgence of rail in South Australia, took many calls on the subject, all of which were positive - and he promised to follow up and investigate the matter further over the days to come.
By the following day, Wednesday August 12, Leon had learnt more of the efforts to bring about a return of the Barossa Wine Train and of SA's Marshall Government's 'do nothing' attitude to the opportunity.
As a result he interviewed the train's owner (and owner of Chateau Tanunda) John Geber, to learn more of John's frustration about the impediments placed in his way to bring back the Wine Train, to benefit Barossa tourism and increase employment in the region (further detail to that is outlined in our stories further below).
SARRA also contributed to the discussion, as Leon's switchboard again lit up with phone calls from listeners angry and irate about the Marshall Government's lack if interest IN EVEN DISCUSSING THE MATTER further with John.
Below is the audio of Wednesday's discussion with Leon (thanks, 5AA!). Please get a coffee - or a glass of your favourite Barossa wine (!) - and take the time to listen to the segment. It's illuminating! (runs 16 mins approx).
On August 11, Leon interviewed Robert Gottliebsen the well-known columnist for Business Spectator and economics writer for The Australian, who made a compelling case for the return of rail services to regional and rural Australia as a means of stimulating the economy and creating much needed jobs as the Nation recovers from COVID-19.
Leon, who continues to advocate for the resurgence of rail in South Australia, took many calls on the subject, all of which were positive - and he promised to follow up and investigate the matter further over the days to come.
By the following day, Wednesday August 12, Leon had learnt more of the efforts to bring about a return of the Barossa Wine Train and of SA's Marshall Government's 'do nothing' attitude to the opportunity.
As a result he interviewed the train's owner (and owner of Chateau Tanunda) John Geber, to learn more of John's frustration about the impediments placed in his way to bring back the Wine Train, to benefit Barossa tourism and increase employment in the region (further detail to that is outlined in our stories further below).
SARRA also contributed to the discussion, as Leon's switchboard again lit up with phone calls from listeners angry and irate about the Marshall Government's lack if interest IN EVEN DISCUSSING THE MATTER further with John.
Below is the audio of Wednesday's discussion with Leon (thanks, 5AA!). Please get a coffee - or a glass of your favourite Barossa wine (!) - and take the time to listen to the segment. It's illuminating! (runs 16 mins approx).

With Stephan Knoll knocked out the Cabinet Ring of State Parliament, there is still work to be done to see his political corpse removed from politics altogether.
Leaving him laying on the mat of the political ring - only to be potentially revived after the next State Election - is not on...and voters in the Seat of Shubert must ensure he is removed altogether from politics at the next election.
If the Liberal Party was wise, it would not endorse him to run in the Seat again - but that is the responsibility of paid-up Liberal Members in Shubert, who get to vote on who they want to represent them, moving forward.
Might that happen? SARRA understands that the people of the Barossa - and those Liberal Party Members who will make that pre-election decision on their Candidate post-2021, are EXTREMELY angry - and hopefully that anger will see Knoll dis-endorsed so that 'fresh blood' can represent the Barossa, assuming any new Liberal candidate would be elected. At the moment, there's even questions over that.
Nevertheless, removing the head of the 'Anti-Regional Rail' snake is a step forward - but the new Minister must re-create the Transport snake by cutting deeper.
That part of the old snake - the Department of Planning Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI), the 'innards' which advised the old head - must also be fed into the meat grinder, if regional rail is to gather much-needed traction into the future.
Let's give the new Head of the Snake (Corey Wingard) an opportunity to control the thrashings of the Viper he is now in charge of...but we at SARRA will be on the case to ensure that the revitalised snake does not slither down the same hole it has occupied in the past.
We discussed the current situation - and the issues the new Minister must address - on WOW FM today (with Selections Presenter Paul Henley). Pull up a coffee and have a listen! (interview runs 15mins 45secs approx)
Leaving him laying on the mat of the political ring - only to be potentially revived after the next State Election - is not on...and voters in the Seat of Shubert must ensure he is removed altogether from politics at the next election.
If the Liberal Party was wise, it would not endorse him to run in the Seat again - but that is the responsibility of paid-up Liberal Members in Shubert, who get to vote on who they want to represent them, moving forward.
Might that happen? SARRA understands that the people of the Barossa - and those Liberal Party Members who will make that pre-election decision on their Candidate post-2021, are EXTREMELY angry - and hopefully that anger will see Knoll dis-endorsed so that 'fresh blood' can represent the Barossa, assuming any new Liberal candidate would be elected. At the moment, there's even questions over that.
Nevertheless, removing the head of the 'Anti-Regional Rail' snake is a step forward - but the new Minister must re-create the Transport snake by cutting deeper.
That part of the old snake - the Department of Planning Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI), the 'innards' which advised the old head - must also be fed into the meat grinder, if regional rail is to gather much-needed traction into the future.
Let's give the new Head of the Snake (Corey Wingard) an opportunity to control the thrashings of the Viper he is now in charge of...but we at SARRA will be on the case to ensure that the revitalised snake does not slither down the same hole it has occupied in the past.
We discussed the current situation - and the issues the new Minister must address - on WOW FM today (with Selections Presenter Paul Henley). Pull up a coffee and have a listen! (interview runs 15mins 45secs approx)

To follow on with our sporting theme on the ‘red carding’ of Stephan Knoll (see below), SARRA has been following this week’s latest athletic back-flips by Premier Stephen Marshall which has resulted in the promotion of Corey Wingard to the Transport portfolio.
Wingard, as a former sports journalist, has now been pushed into the ring to fight for the State’s public transport needs – and it will be a fight worth watching.
To follow boxing parlance, we have seen the ‘light flyweight’, Knoll, knocked out of the parliamentary fight, to be replaced by ‘light welterweight’, Corey Wingard – and a new fight to gain the transport title-belt begins again.
Who is Wingard’s first opponent? If he’s smart, he’ll take the gloves to the Transport Department and knock to the canvas the mandarins who have had control over the affairs of SA’s transport needs in recent years.
SARRA says that Wingard must successfully now knock to the canvas DPTI’s Departmental head, Tony Braxton-Smith, who, as Knoll’s ‘trainer’, made or agreed to policy recommendations which enraged the promoters of the fight, SA taxpayers.
The Adelaide public bus re-organisation fiasco was just one fatal blow to Knoll’s head as he campaigned to advance to Treasury, and to the ultimate belt, State Premiership.
The removal of Braxton-Smith is not without precedent. New Ministers – new ‘fighters’ to the political ring - have the ability to nominate their ‘trainers’, given that the trainers attending to the last boxer failed to advise on or promote a winning strategy.
If Wingard is to advance public transport – which includes the return of the Barossa Wine Train (and funding for The Overland) for much-needed State tourism – and the reinstatement of regional commuter trains to the Iron Triangle, to the Mid North, to Murray Bridge, to the Murraylands, to the Riverland and the South East, he needs to pull on the gloves and fight for ALL South Australians, not just those who live in the less-than-one-percent of South Australia’s land mass – those who live in the metropolitan area.
Will he pull on the gloves for us all? Time will tell.
In the meantime, the political corpse of Stephan Knoll needs to be quietly buried without fanfare. As now a ‘ghost’ politician, he must not be allowed to roam the Barossa and must surrender Shubert and allow a new Liberal candidate to contest the seat in a by-election.
Regardless, it is hard to see him surviving as the Member for the Barossa, should he hold on as a back-bencher until the next State Election in 2021. Thanks Stephan – see ya later!
Wingard, as a former sports journalist, has now been pushed into the ring to fight for the State’s public transport needs – and it will be a fight worth watching.
To follow boxing parlance, we have seen the ‘light flyweight’, Knoll, knocked out of the parliamentary fight, to be replaced by ‘light welterweight’, Corey Wingard – and a new fight to gain the transport title-belt begins again.
Who is Wingard’s first opponent? If he’s smart, he’ll take the gloves to the Transport Department and knock to the canvas the mandarins who have had control over the affairs of SA’s transport needs in recent years.
SARRA says that Wingard must successfully now knock to the canvas DPTI’s Departmental head, Tony Braxton-Smith, who, as Knoll’s ‘trainer’, made or agreed to policy recommendations which enraged the promoters of the fight, SA taxpayers.
The Adelaide public bus re-organisation fiasco was just one fatal blow to Knoll’s head as he campaigned to advance to Treasury, and to the ultimate belt, State Premiership.
The removal of Braxton-Smith is not without precedent. New Ministers – new ‘fighters’ to the political ring - have the ability to nominate their ‘trainers’, given that the trainers attending to the last boxer failed to advise on or promote a winning strategy.
If Wingard is to advance public transport – which includes the return of the Barossa Wine Train (and funding for The Overland) for much-needed State tourism – and the reinstatement of regional commuter trains to the Iron Triangle, to the Mid North, to Murray Bridge, to the Murraylands, to the Riverland and the South East, he needs to pull on the gloves and fight for ALL South Australians, not just those who live in the less-than-one-percent of South Australia’s land mass – those who live in the metropolitan area.
Will he pull on the gloves for us all? Time will tell.
In the meantime, the political corpse of Stephan Knoll needs to be quietly buried without fanfare. As now a ‘ghost’ politician, he must not be allowed to roam the Barossa and must surrender Shubert and allow a new Liberal candidate to contest the seat in a by-election.
Regardless, it is hard to see him surviving as the Member for the Barossa, should he hold on as a back-bencher until the next State Election in 2021. Thanks Stephan – see ya later!

So…Transport Minister Stephan Knoll, to use a football term, has been taken off the field and placed on the (back) bench. In soccer terms he has been ‘red carded’. He hasn’t played fair by this supporters in the stands, and has been removed from ‘play’.
But Knoll’s red card was not for a minor indiscretion, an untimely and unfortunate trip of an opponent, nor a ‘head high’ tackle. His indiscretion went to the heart of his supporters’ hip pockets, more than the cost of a bucket of chips and a beer at the Adelaide Oval.
In the hurly-burly of ‘play’ he had, for the first and second quarters, got away with ignoring the rules – it was just that the umpire had not seen it.
When ‘umpy’ turned and saw the flagrant flouting of the rules, ‘full forward Knoll’ was promptly taken from the ground.
But is that enough? The ‘selectors’ of his team – those in his ‘electoral college’ - now must go one step forward. They must go further than the imposition imposed by Captain (Premier Marshall), and remove Knoll from the team altogether. Sitting on the bench implies that once your ‘injuries’ have been repaired, you can, at a time convenient, return to the field of play. The whole thing makes the Crows training camp on the Gold Coast look like a ’walk in the park’.
To mix metaphors, Knoll is now a train-wreck on the Barossa rail line. The wreck must be removed and the line repaired and restored, before it casts further negative impacts on the Barossa as a whole.
But wait! If Full Forward Knoll offended the rules of the Parliamentary game, how has he trampled over Public Transport issues affecting the ability of supporters to witness the game in the first place?
Has his acknowledged inability to play by Parliamentary rules spilled over and shone a light on his inability to make proper decisions on Transport matters? The unequivocal answer is YES.
Even on his own footy ground (the Barossa) his unquestioning disregard for ‘destroying the pitch’ is very publicly evident. His decision to sever the Barossa rail line for a $6 million roundabout at Kroemer’s Crossing (initially tendered at $3.2m!) draws his poor decision-making into further question.
SARRA (and others in the Barossa) have long held the view that Knoll was deeply in the grasp of his ‘full forward’ advisers – the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) – which poked idiotic transport ideas under his nose, and which he signed off on (like his Parliamentary living-away-from-home allowance) without proper scrutiny. These DPTI ‘thought bubbles’ included (but are not restricted to) the disastrous public transport metro-bus reorganisation, and the decision to tear up the rail line through Kroemer’s Crossing.
So…Team SARRA says the Public Transport viper needs to be killed off totally. The viper's ‘head’ has been severed – but it will grow a new head if its body is not ‘killed’ too. DPTI's 'throat' - Tony Braxton-Smith - needs to be removed as well, so that the Transport Department can begin afresh.
Captain Marshall in ‘defence’, keeping the ball away from the COVID-19 goal posts, needs to TOTALLY replace Knoll’s ‘full forward’ off-field advisers. NOTHING LESS will solve the need to kick proper well-considered goals through the big sticks of Public Transport.
If Captain Marshall does not, his so-called ‘success’ of fighting off the COVID opposition will be for nothing. SARRA is also waiting for supporters to realise that the Captain is only parroting the words of his great COVID defence side-line team (the Police Commissioner and his Health Department spokeswoman) who are doing an outstanding job in keeping the COVID team goalless. The Captain is only a mouth-piece for those efforts, rubber-stamping their recommendations.
Is Team Liberal worse than the Crows? Some would say that there is nothing worse than the Crows at the moment…..but are they looking deep enough….?
Knoll needs to be removed from the side entirely. That’s up to you, Team Barossa!
But Knoll’s red card was not for a minor indiscretion, an untimely and unfortunate trip of an opponent, nor a ‘head high’ tackle. His indiscretion went to the heart of his supporters’ hip pockets, more than the cost of a bucket of chips and a beer at the Adelaide Oval.
In the hurly-burly of ‘play’ he had, for the first and second quarters, got away with ignoring the rules – it was just that the umpire had not seen it.
When ‘umpy’ turned and saw the flagrant flouting of the rules, ‘full forward Knoll’ was promptly taken from the ground.
But is that enough? The ‘selectors’ of his team – those in his ‘electoral college’ - now must go one step forward. They must go further than the imposition imposed by Captain (Premier Marshall), and remove Knoll from the team altogether. Sitting on the bench implies that once your ‘injuries’ have been repaired, you can, at a time convenient, return to the field of play. The whole thing makes the Crows training camp on the Gold Coast look like a ’walk in the park’.
To mix metaphors, Knoll is now a train-wreck on the Barossa rail line. The wreck must be removed and the line repaired and restored, before it casts further negative impacts on the Barossa as a whole.
But wait! If Full Forward Knoll offended the rules of the Parliamentary game, how has he trampled over Public Transport issues affecting the ability of supporters to witness the game in the first place?
Has his acknowledged inability to play by Parliamentary rules spilled over and shone a light on his inability to make proper decisions on Transport matters? The unequivocal answer is YES.
Even on his own footy ground (the Barossa) his unquestioning disregard for ‘destroying the pitch’ is very publicly evident. His decision to sever the Barossa rail line for a $6 million roundabout at Kroemer’s Crossing (initially tendered at $3.2m!) draws his poor decision-making into further question.
SARRA (and others in the Barossa) have long held the view that Knoll was deeply in the grasp of his ‘full forward’ advisers – the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) – which poked idiotic transport ideas under his nose, and which he signed off on (like his Parliamentary living-away-from-home allowance) without proper scrutiny. These DPTI ‘thought bubbles’ included (but are not restricted to) the disastrous public transport metro-bus reorganisation, and the decision to tear up the rail line through Kroemer’s Crossing.
So…Team SARRA says the Public Transport viper needs to be killed off totally. The viper's ‘head’ has been severed – but it will grow a new head if its body is not ‘killed’ too. DPTI's 'throat' - Tony Braxton-Smith - needs to be removed as well, so that the Transport Department can begin afresh.
Captain Marshall in ‘defence’, keeping the ball away from the COVID-19 goal posts, needs to TOTALLY replace Knoll’s ‘full forward’ off-field advisers. NOTHING LESS will solve the need to kick proper well-considered goals through the big sticks of Public Transport.
If Captain Marshall does not, his so-called ‘success’ of fighting off the COVID opposition will be for nothing. SARRA is also waiting for supporters to realise that the Captain is only parroting the words of his great COVID defence side-line team (the Police Commissioner and his Health Department spokeswoman) who are doing an outstanding job in keeping the COVID team goalless. The Captain is only a mouth-piece for those efforts, rubber-stamping their recommendations.
Is Team Liberal worse than the Crows? Some would say that there is nothing worse than the Crows at the moment…..but are they looking deep enough….?
Knoll needs to be removed from the side entirely. That’s up to you, Team Barossa!

The Barossa Wine Train campaign was taken nationally on Sunday July 12, 2020 - when the ever-popular 'Macca on a Sunday' program spoke with John Geber about the issue.
John Geber was able to highlight the SA Government's lack of interest in the project - and the tourism opportunities if offers to the Barossa.
He also made the point again that the Transport Minister and local Barossa MP Stephan Knoll oversaw the ripping up of the Barossa line through Kroemer's Crossing, which, for the moment, denies a returned Barossa Wine Train benefitting tourist operators north of Tanunda to Nuriootpa.
Macca agreed that projects like the BWT are important because as the COVID-19 crisis plays out, regional tourism will be increasingly critical in the months and years ahead as Australians shun overseas holidays.
Listen to the interview below - and no matter where you live, express your disgust to the SA Government on its lack of foresight. To do so, click the link here to go to our How You Can Help page.
The interview runs 3mins 10secs.
John Geber was able to highlight the SA Government's lack of interest in the project - and the tourism opportunities if offers to the Barossa.
He also made the point again that the Transport Minister and local Barossa MP Stephan Knoll oversaw the ripping up of the Barossa line through Kroemer's Crossing, which, for the moment, denies a returned Barossa Wine Train benefitting tourist operators north of Tanunda to Nuriootpa.
Macca agreed that projects like the BWT are important because as the COVID-19 crisis plays out, regional tourism will be increasingly critical in the months and years ahead as Australians shun overseas holidays.
Listen to the interview below - and no matter where you live, express your disgust to the SA Government on its lack of foresight. To do so, click the link here to go to our How You Can Help page.
The interview runs 3mins 10secs.

SA Transport Minister Stephan Knoll claims he ‘listened’ to city folk and has scrapped plans to remove a thousand bus stops in the greater Adelaide metropolitan area - but he still needs to see an audiologist.
He ‘heard’ the massive amount of objections from those who would have been disaffected by his proposed extensive changes - objections which grew into a political roar that even the deaf could hear.
But he hasn’t heard - or has chosen to turn off his hearing aid - to the roar of country people who are yelling that they too want public-transport train services to meet the same needs of those disaffected ‘metropolitanites’ - the ability to use ‘spinal’ public transport systems to get to work and to travel greater distances for health and other services not available in their immediate areas.
This includes ‘able-bodied’ country folk who would use trains to extend their mobility, but also the infirm, the elderly, the disadvantaged, teenagers who need to travel to the city for educational reasons - and those who can’t use a car, or afford one. In this respect, country folk are EXACTLY the same as city folk who Knoll has ‘heard’. It must be stated again that adequate public transport is an unalienable ‘right’ of ALL citizens, no matter where they live - A RIGHT that is the duty of its elected representatives and its public service to provide.
But Knoll’s ‘hearing’ problems are just symptomatic of a greater malaise affecting him - his ‘political health’ - which now is clearly on its death-bed.
His back-flip on metropolitan bus cuts (after just 14 days) smacks of pure political panic by the Marshall Cabinet which was also under attack by its own backbenchers on the issue.
Significantly, it shines yet another bright light (if it was ever needed) on the way this Minister is under the control of his Department (DPTI) and its mandarins, led by its Director General, Tony Braxton-Smith.
That Knoll even put out his bus proposal without even thinking of its political ramifications - and then fluffing his lines over the number of bus stops to be removed (first it was 500 until he had to admit it was 1000+) shows he is just rubber-stamping proposals like this, shoved under his nose by his Department. If nothing else it shows his total political naivety - and this from a politician allegedly being groomed to become the next Treasurer and a future Premier (God forbid!).
SARRA believes the Minister should be removed forthwith from his portfolio - and that that top echelon of DIPTI should be similarly removed. Knoll should be relegated to the backbench, until he and his Party is removed from office by an angry electorate at the next Election.
To add to Knoll’s auditory woes, he’s not listening to his own electors in the Barossa, where the Barossa Wine train proposal needs his tacit support so that the owner of the BWT, John Geber - at his expense - can reinstate the BWT service. Mr Geber wants to take the BWT to Nuriootpa, but Knoll and his department allowed the rail line to be severed at Kroemer’s Crossing, denying the tourist benefits which would accrue by allowing the BWT to travel to the Northern Barossa.
That Knoll has turned off his hearing aid to his own constituents - and the prosperity and jobs which the BWT running its full length would bring to the Valley - only reinforces his lack of political insight.
That decision is the ‘talk’ of angry Barossans, and is likely to deny Knoll his seat at the 2022 State Election.
And if that is all not bad enough for him, the fact that he and his Government have been gazumped by the Victorian Government which has stumped-up the money to keep The Overland running for a further three years has only dumped further dirt on the Liberals’ political coffin. The Victorian Government can see the benefit of The Overland as a commuter and tourist train benefitting both States, once COVID-19 restrictions ease.
Perhaps we can all chip in to have the Minister followed by a sign-language interpreter, so that he doesn’t have to rely on his auditory deficiencies. Alternatively, we could provide him a bag of batteries for his hearing aid.
SA Transport Minister Stephan Knoll claims he ‘listened’ to city folk and has scrapped plans to remove a thousand bus stops in the greater Adelaide metropolitan area - but he still needs to see an audiologist.
He ‘heard’ the massive amount of objections from those who would have been disaffected by his proposed extensive changes - objections which grew into a political roar that even the deaf could hear.
But he hasn’t heard - or has chosen to turn off his hearing aid - to the roar of country people who are yelling that they too want public-transport train services to meet the same needs of those disaffected ‘metropolitanites’ - the ability to use ‘spinal’ public transport systems to get to work and to travel greater distances for health and other services not available in their immediate areas.
This includes ‘able-bodied’ country folk who would use trains to extend their mobility, but also the infirm, the elderly, the disadvantaged, teenagers who need to travel to the city for educational reasons - and those who can’t use a car, or afford one. In this respect, country folk are EXACTLY the same as city folk who Knoll has ‘heard’. It must be stated again that adequate public transport is an unalienable ‘right’ of ALL citizens, no matter where they live - A RIGHT that is the duty of its elected representatives and its public service to provide.
But Knoll’s ‘hearing’ problems are just symptomatic of a greater malaise affecting him - his ‘political health’ - which now is clearly on its death-bed.
His back-flip on metropolitan bus cuts (after just 14 days) smacks of pure political panic by the Marshall Cabinet which was also under attack by its own backbenchers on the issue.
Significantly, it shines yet another bright light (if it was ever needed) on the way this Minister is under the control of his Department (DPTI) and its mandarins, led by its Director General, Tony Braxton-Smith.
That Knoll even put out his bus proposal without even thinking of its political ramifications - and then fluffing his lines over the number of bus stops to be removed (first it was 500 until he had to admit it was 1000+) shows he is just rubber-stamping proposals like this, shoved under his nose by his Department. If nothing else it shows his total political naivety - and this from a politician allegedly being groomed to become the next Treasurer and a future Premier (God forbid!).
SARRA believes the Minister should be removed forthwith from his portfolio - and that that top echelon of DIPTI should be similarly removed. Knoll should be relegated to the backbench, until he and his Party is removed from office by an angry electorate at the next Election.
To add to Knoll’s auditory woes, he’s not listening to his own electors in the Barossa, where the Barossa Wine train proposal needs his tacit support so that the owner of the BWT, John Geber - at his expense - can reinstate the BWT service. Mr Geber wants to take the BWT to Nuriootpa, but Knoll and his department allowed the rail line to be severed at Kroemer’s Crossing, denying the tourist benefits which would accrue by allowing the BWT to travel to the Northern Barossa.
That Knoll has turned off his hearing aid to his own constituents - and the prosperity and jobs which the BWT running its full length would bring to the Valley - only reinforces his lack of political insight.
That decision is the ‘talk’ of angry Barossans, and is likely to deny Knoll his seat at the 2022 State Election.
And if that is all not bad enough for him, the fact that he and his Government have been gazumped by the Victorian Government which has stumped-up the money to keep The Overland running for a further three years has only dumped further dirt on the Liberals’ political coffin. The Victorian Government can see the benefit of The Overland as a commuter and tourist train benefitting both States, once COVID-19 restrictions ease.
Perhaps we can all chip in to have the Minister followed by a sign-language interpreter, so that he doesn’t have to rely on his auditory deficiencies. Alternatively, we could provide him a bag of batteries for his hearing aid.
Those following KROEMER’S CROSSING in the Barossa, and the Government’s efforts to see the removal of the rail line on the site between Tanunda and Nuriootpa, see the latest news below!
…and for those who are following the trials and tribulations of The Overland, you will be pleased to hear that the Victorian Government came to the party again - and extended their payment to keep The Overland running - this time a 3 YEAR reprieve while SA’s Anti-Rural-Rail Minister, Stephan Knoll, continues to deny the importance of The Overland as a means of transport between two of Australia’s greatest cities - Adelaide and Melbourne. Sadly the COVID-19 crisis has put all interstate rail transport on hold for the moment and we can only hope that The Overland service will return to normal, post COVID-19.
No doubt that Summit, hosted by the Horsham Rural City Council on June 19 (see further details by scrolling down this page) was 'listened to' by the Victorians, while the SA Government was busy 'covering its ass' on the bus-stop cull it had proposed.
...and for our stories on the Kroemer Crossing debacle, see further below - and remember, keep coming back to this site - and our FACEBOOK page - frequently, for updates….
No doubt that Summit, hosted by the Horsham Rural City Council on June 19 (see further details by scrolling down this page) was 'listened to' by the Victorians, while the SA Government was busy 'covering its ass' on the bus-stop cull it had proposed.
...and for our stories on the Kroemer Crossing debacle, see further below - and remember, keep coming back to this site - and our FACEBOOK page - frequently, for updates….

Victorians and South Australians rallied today on-line to save The Overland Train beyond 30 June, when funding from the Victorian Government runs out.
The 'virtual' meeting amongst 45 people at Local Government level - and others, on both sides of the Border - discussed how they can force change to ensure The Overland can keep running, for the benefit of all people along its length, regardless of their geographical location.
The meeting was hosted by the Horsham Rural City Council, and run by its Mayor, Mark Radford, who told Jules Schiller on ABC Radio Adelaide 891 during Schiller's 'Drive' shift, that The Overland remains critical to both States, particularly when Australians will be filling the 'tourist gap' driven by the continuing lack of overseas tourists, into the immediate future.
Mr Radford said those who joined the conversation, which expressed its disgust that The Overland was on the verge of distinction, were SA MPs who heard the message loud and clear.
We at SARRA joined the conversation with Jules Schiller and condemned the SA Government, in particular the anti-rail Transport Minister Stephan Knoll, for their absolute lack of foresight. Listen to Jules Schiller's piece on ABC 891 below (the issue was also discussed on ABC 891's Deb Tribe' Saturday Breakfast show on June 20) - and add your voice to saving The Overland by writing to, emailing, or phoning thebe SA Premier's office, and the office of Transport Minister Stephan Knoll.....
The 'virtual' meeting amongst 45 people at Local Government level - and others, on both sides of the Border - discussed how they can force change to ensure The Overland can keep running, for the benefit of all people along its length, regardless of their geographical location.
The meeting was hosted by the Horsham Rural City Council, and run by its Mayor, Mark Radford, who told Jules Schiller on ABC Radio Adelaide 891 during Schiller's 'Drive' shift, that The Overland remains critical to both States, particularly when Australians will be filling the 'tourist gap' driven by the continuing lack of overseas tourists, into the immediate future.
Mr Radford said those who joined the conversation, which expressed its disgust that The Overland was on the verge of distinction, were SA MPs who heard the message loud and clear.
We at SARRA joined the conversation with Jules Schiller and condemned the SA Government, in particular the anti-rail Transport Minister Stephan Knoll, for their absolute lack of foresight. Listen to Jules Schiller's piece on ABC 891 below (the issue was also discussed on ABC 891's Deb Tribe' Saturday Breakfast show on June 20) - and add your voice to saving The Overland by writing to, emailing, or phoning thebe SA Premier's office, and the office of Transport Minister Stephan Knoll.....
Gobsmacked by the total lack of interest in regional rail in SA, the SA political party SA BEST has pledged to take up the issue and make it a major plank in its campaign leading up to the next State Election.
SARRA met with SABEST representatives on June 5 and reinforced the case for regional rail with the Hon Frank Pangallo MLC, who said he just couldn't believe the abject short-sightedness of Liberal Premier Stephen Marshall and his Transport Minister Stephan Knoll on the matter.
This, coming on news that the owner of the Barossa Wine Train John Geber (who also met with Mr Pangallo on June 5) has a serious overseas investor wanting to join with him to bring the BWT back into service - and assist Mr Geber's plans to develop a multi-million dollar 100-room 5-star hotel at Chateau Tanunda, which Mr Geber also owns. At a time when the Barossa really needs tourism investment post COVID-19, the overseas investor has made it clear however that his involvement is dependent on Government (non-financial) support for the return of the wine train, which he sees as a much-needed 'tourist magnet' for the Barossa. As visitors to these pages will know however, Liberal Government support for regional rail just has not been forthcoming. Indeed the Transport Minister (who unbelievably is the local MP for the Barossa) has gone out of his way to complicate matters by lifting 120 metres of track which totally disadvantages the many scores of wine and tourist businesses north of Tanunda (see our stories below).
Mr Pangallo believes, as SARRA does, that the Barossa line is the easiest rural line to be brought back into service in the short term, a development which will ultimately speed the advancement of the return of regional rail to other parts of the State.
After SARRA's meeting with Mr Pangallo, we interviewed him so that you can all see his opinions on the issue. We post that below. Pull up a coffee and check it out! (runs 8mins 30secs approx).
SARRA met with SABEST representatives on June 5 and reinforced the case for regional rail with the Hon Frank Pangallo MLC, who said he just couldn't believe the abject short-sightedness of Liberal Premier Stephen Marshall and his Transport Minister Stephan Knoll on the matter.
This, coming on news that the owner of the Barossa Wine Train John Geber (who also met with Mr Pangallo on June 5) has a serious overseas investor wanting to join with him to bring the BWT back into service - and assist Mr Geber's plans to develop a multi-million dollar 100-room 5-star hotel at Chateau Tanunda, which Mr Geber also owns. At a time when the Barossa really needs tourism investment post COVID-19, the overseas investor has made it clear however that his involvement is dependent on Government (non-financial) support for the return of the wine train, which he sees as a much-needed 'tourist magnet' for the Barossa. As visitors to these pages will know however, Liberal Government support for regional rail just has not been forthcoming. Indeed the Transport Minister (who unbelievably is the local MP for the Barossa) has gone out of his way to complicate matters by lifting 120 metres of track which totally disadvantages the many scores of wine and tourist businesses north of Tanunda (see our stories below).
Mr Pangallo believes, as SARRA does, that the Barossa line is the easiest rural line to be brought back into service in the short term, a development which will ultimately speed the advancement of the return of regional rail to other parts of the State.
After SARRA's meeting with Mr Pangallo, we interviewed him so that you can all see his opinions on the issue. We post that below. Pull up a coffee and check it out! (runs 8mins 30secs approx).
The Barossa train-line 'artery' which could do so much for tourism in the Barossa Valley has been severed following the Supreme Court case being settled on a legal technicality which favoured the Minister of Transport, (and local Member for the Barossa), Stephan Knoll.
The Supreme Court found in the Minister's favour after a 'pea' n' thimble' trick deal was done to allow the 120 metres of disputed track through Kroemer's Crossing to be transferred to the State under a legal mechanism known as a 'Deed of Surrender'. The deal meant the track's 'owner', One Rail Australia (formerly Genesee Wyoming Australia), 'surrendered' that part of the track to the State, to do with it what it wished. The government's 'wish' was to remove the Kroemer's Crossing track just as soon as dawn broke over the Barossa the day after the court decision was handed down. ...and that's what happened. By 'close of work' on the Crossing on Monday 27 April, the track had been all but ripped up (see the images below). Needless to say, John Geber was heartily disappointed. "It beggars belief that legal action had to be bought in the first case; had the Minister insisted on the re-instatement of the line as part of the Kroemer Crossing rebuild, he would have displayed his faith in the growth of tourism opportunities in the Barossa, fed by a tourist train." |
Mr Geber has retreated for the moment, to consider his options - but as SARRA has reported below, Mr Geber is not one to give up. As we leave this year's Anzac Day services behind us, it is appropriate to say that Stephan Knoll may have won a 'battle', but the war is far from over.
Barossa businessman and owner of Chateau Tanunda, John Geber, has lost his court battle to stop the rail track through Kroemer’s Crossing being ripped up (see stories below) - setting back, perhaps permanently, his plans to see a tourist train running through the heart of the Barossa Valley.
Now that the Court has cleared the way for the line’s removal, it is anticipated that contractors will be told by the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, under the stern eye of anti-rail Transport Minister and Member for the Barossa Valley Stephan Knoll, to proceed with the removal of the track at the very earliest opportunity.
Disappointed, John Geber has told SARRA that his plans have at the very least been delayed - and now with his formal legal avenues appearing exhausted, he will be taking the matter to a ‘higher’ jurisdiction - THE COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION.
And like a Pit Bull Terrier, John intends going for Knoll’s political ‘jugular’ in the lead-up to the next State Election.
“It defies all sense of logic that Knoll and Premier and Tourism Minister Marshall can be so blind to the benefits of a tourist train to the gem in SA’s tourist crown, the Barossa Valley, particularly when tourism will be on its knees post the COVID-19 crisis,” Mr Geber said.
"Replacing the line through the Crossing - which could be achieved at minimal cost as the roundabout is built - would make economic and logical sense and leaves the option open for a return of a tourist train all the way to Nuriootpa. This is just plain common sense - but that's something Knoll and Marshall are clearly desperately short of."
“As a result, we will be campaigning to ensure Knoll will be well and truly rolled at the next State Poll,” Mr Geber said.
SARRA visited Kroemer’s Crossing again leading up to Anzac Day - and while the track remains in place for the moment - it is clear that preparations are in place to provide traffic deviation lanes over (and now most likely through) the rail track embankment on the Tanunda side, once the lines and sleepers are removed.
We also looked at the existing line further toward Nuriootpa, passing Dorrien Estate, Penfolds Barossa Valley Cellar Door, Provenance and Beckwith Park. THIS IS THE RAIL RIGHT-OF-WAY that Knoll is working with the Barossa Council to eliminate, sealed-over forever for Council’s breathtakingly idiotic DRIVERLESS BUS SCHEME!
Driverless buses scuttling like cockroaches between Nuriootpa and Tanunda — or a sophisticated wine train bringing tourists to the heart of the Valley? You be the judge. Like Mr Geber, we say it’s time to plot the downfall of Knoll at the Poll!
To get you in the mood, check further below our pictures for our video which is likely to become the 'clarion call' in the lead-up to the next State Election!!
Barossa businessman and owner of Chateau Tanunda, John Geber, has lost his court battle to stop the rail track through Kroemer’s Crossing being ripped up (see stories below) - setting back, perhaps permanently, his plans to see a tourist train running through the heart of the Barossa Valley.
Now that the Court has cleared the way for the line’s removal, it is anticipated that contractors will be told by the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, under the stern eye of anti-rail Transport Minister and Member for the Barossa Valley Stephan Knoll, to proceed with the removal of the track at the very earliest opportunity.
Disappointed, John Geber has told SARRA that his plans have at the very least been delayed - and now with his formal legal avenues appearing exhausted, he will be taking the matter to a ‘higher’ jurisdiction - THE COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION.
And like a Pit Bull Terrier, John intends going for Knoll’s political ‘jugular’ in the lead-up to the next State Election.
“It defies all sense of logic that Knoll and Premier and Tourism Minister Marshall can be so blind to the benefits of a tourist train to the gem in SA’s tourist crown, the Barossa Valley, particularly when tourism will be on its knees post the COVID-19 crisis,” Mr Geber said.
"Replacing the line through the Crossing - which could be achieved at minimal cost as the roundabout is built - would make economic and logical sense and leaves the option open for a return of a tourist train all the way to Nuriootpa. This is just plain common sense - but that's something Knoll and Marshall are clearly desperately short of."
“As a result, we will be campaigning to ensure Knoll will be well and truly rolled at the next State Poll,” Mr Geber said.
SARRA visited Kroemer’s Crossing again leading up to Anzac Day - and while the track remains in place for the moment - it is clear that preparations are in place to provide traffic deviation lanes over (and now most likely through) the rail track embankment on the Tanunda side, once the lines and sleepers are removed.
We also looked at the existing line further toward Nuriootpa, passing Dorrien Estate, Penfolds Barossa Valley Cellar Door, Provenance and Beckwith Park. THIS IS THE RAIL RIGHT-OF-WAY that Knoll is working with the Barossa Council to eliminate, sealed-over forever for Council’s breathtakingly idiotic DRIVERLESS BUS SCHEME!
Driverless buses scuttling like cockroaches between Nuriootpa and Tanunda — or a sophisticated wine train bringing tourists to the heart of the Valley? You be the judge. Like Mr Geber, we say it’s time to plot the downfall of Knoll at the Poll!
To get you in the mood, check further below our pictures for our video which is likely to become the 'clarion call' in the lead-up to the next State Election!!
(is that steam we see coming from the ears of anti-rural-rail Transport Minister - and MP for the Barossa - Stephan Knoll? You bet it is!!)

If you’re following the Kroemer’s Crossing story (see updates below on this page), you might be wondering WHAT HAPPENED in the Court today (Thursday April 2), when the matter was again heard.
The matter was again adjourned, to be bought before the Court again on April 14, when a ‘directions’ hearing will be held.
The bottom line is that this 'directions hearing’ will be where both parties lay out their cases before the Judge (the ‘appellant’ being John Geber and the 'defendant' being DPTI/GovtSA). The State wasn't ready to present its defence at the very first hearing on March 30, basically wasting the Court’s time, to the chagrin of the Judge. The second hearing (April 2) obviously didn't advance matters either....and THAT'S why there is to be yet another hearing so the Judge can be brought up to speed on the matter. …..The word is the Court is not happy with the delays on the part of the State, particularly when John Geber and his legal team have been ready to proceed.
SARRA is led to believe the April 14 hearing will be before the FULL BENCH OF THE SUPREME COURT.
In the meantime, the interim injunction stopping work on the removal of the rail-line and attendant infrastructure remains in place.
SARRA looks forward to seeing how this plays out….
The matter was again adjourned, to be bought before the Court again on April 14, when a ‘directions’ hearing will be held.
The bottom line is that this 'directions hearing’ will be where both parties lay out their cases before the Judge (the ‘appellant’ being John Geber and the 'defendant' being DPTI/GovtSA). The State wasn't ready to present its defence at the very first hearing on March 30, basically wasting the Court’s time, to the chagrin of the Judge. The second hearing (April 2) obviously didn't advance matters either....and THAT'S why there is to be yet another hearing so the Judge can be brought up to speed on the matter. …..The word is the Court is not happy with the delays on the part of the State, particularly when John Geber and his legal team have been ready to proceed.
SARRA is led to believe the April 14 hearing will be before the FULL BENCH OF THE SUPREME COURT.
In the meantime, the interim injunction stopping work on the removal of the rail-line and attendant infrastructure remains in place.
SARRA looks forward to seeing how this plays out….

The Court case to determine the future of the rail-line and signalling infrastructure through the re-vamped Kroemer's Crossing roundabout has been brought forward by 24 hours and will now be heard on Thursday April 2.
As tree clearing around the Crossing has continued - which sadly saw the removal of the stately and aged River Red Gum opposite Vine Vale Road on Tuesday March 31 - news came through that the legal action brought by John Geber was advanced from its earlier hearing date of Friday (see story below) - AND interestingly, will now be heard by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
As they say....may we live in interesting times!
As tree clearing around the Crossing has continued - which sadly saw the removal of the stately and aged River Red Gum opposite Vine Vale Road on Tuesday March 31 - news came through that the legal action brought by John Geber was advanced from its earlier hearing date of Friday (see story below) - AND interestingly, will now be heard by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
As they say....may we live in interesting times!

Barossa Wine Train owner John Geber has been successful in his attempts to stop the removal of the rail-line through Kroemer’s Crossing until the matter can be further heard in Court - but the action did not stop arborists felling minor trees - and the stately River Red Gum opposite Vine Vale Rd - over the last 24 hours.
It also has not stopped surveying proceeding, including the placement of pegs both on the Tanunda side - and the Nuriootpa side - of the Crossing, indicating where the rail line will be removed!
As we reported below (and also reported in the Barossa Herald), on Monday March 30, John Geber and his lawyer Greg Griffin sought an injunction against the work continuing.
The Judge subsequently ordered that work on the line’s removal be frozen, at least until the matter can be heard again at a further hearing, listed for Friday April 3.
SARRA’s ‘take’ on the kerfuffle is that work is likely to proceed on preliminary earthworks for the roundabout - while work on the removal of the rail-line would stop until the matter can be determined by further legal action. This was earlier indicated to us in a discussion with site-workers at the Crossing - and was hinted at in the court hearing on Monday.
Assuming road-works are allowed to continue, SARRA asks the question: Have these works allowed for the replacement of signalling, assuming the case to leave the line ‘in situ’ is made? If the current line is left in place (and new roads are constructed for the roundabout) THAT WORK MUST TAKE INTO ACCOUNT provision for signalling infrastructure - if nothing else, the replacement of below-surface ducting for cabling MUST be provided for. This Government likes to pride itself on its efficiency and the saving of taxpayers’ money: to meet that commitment, provision needs to be made now for signalling, while the roads are being rebuilt. That work will never get cheaper.
It also has not stopped surveying proceeding, including the placement of pegs both on the Tanunda side - and the Nuriootpa side - of the Crossing, indicating where the rail line will be removed!
As we reported below (and also reported in the Barossa Herald), on Monday March 30, John Geber and his lawyer Greg Griffin sought an injunction against the work continuing.
The Judge subsequently ordered that work on the line’s removal be frozen, at least until the matter can be heard again at a further hearing, listed for Friday April 3.
SARRA’s ‘take’ on the kerfuffle is that work is likely to proceed on preliminary earthworks for the roundabout - while work on the removal of the rail-line would stop until the matter can be determined by further legal action. This was earlier indicated to us in a discussion with site-workers at the Crossing - and was hinted at in the court hearing on Monday.
Assuming road-works are allowed to continue, SARRA asks the question: Have these works allowed for the replacement of signalling, assuming the case to leave the line ‘in situ’ is made? If the current line is left in place (and new roads are constructed for the roundabout) THAT WORK MUST TAKE INTO ACCOUNT provision for signalling infrastructure - if nothing else, the replacement of below-surface ducting for cabling MUST be provided for. This Government likes to pride itself on its efficiency and the saving of taxpayers’ money: to meet that commitment, provision needs to be made now for signalling, while the roads are being rebuilt. That work will never get cheaper.
THIS IS WHAT the Member for the Barossa and Anti-Rural-Rail Transport Minister Stephan Knoll and his equally anti-rural-rail bureaucracy in DPTI should embrace!
John Geber’s legal action WILL force a re-think by the Marshall Government - and given Stephan Knoll’s very public intransigence and lack of support for the Barossa Wine Train - it is likely Knoll will be removed from office at the next State Election - UNLESS HE GETS HIS ACT TOGETHER! |

With much fanfare from the PR spin-doctors in the Department of Transport Planning and Infrastructure (DPTI), ‘work’ on the Barossa Valley’s controversial Kroemer’s Crossing began on Monday March 23 - but will the preliminary site mark-out be as far as the project will go?
SARRA (and some of our supporters) visited the crossing during Monday March 23 - only to see (and be told by on-site workers) that this week will only see the removal of ‘insignificant trees’ in the way of the new roundabout (see blue-markings on trees in our pics below) - but which, more importantly, will also ultimately see the removal of a critical section of the Barossa rail track.
For those who have been following this issue, the removal of the rail track at the intersection will effectively sever the rail line from Tanunda to Nuriootpa, rendering the rail line between the two iconic Barossa towns dead and buried.
As well, something not mentioned in the hype of the 'roundabout renewal' is the loss of railway signalling infrastructure, including underground signalling cable-ducts. While signalling infrastructure would need to be refurbished in the event of the reinstatement of train services to Nuriootpa, no provision has been made to replace conduit through the crossing as part of the roundabout works. Interestingly, Telstra cabling also runs through the intersection, and replacing that ducting will be a necessity - and we believe this has been allowed for. SARRA argues that this new ducting should be of a size suitable to take new rail signalling and other rail cabling - but we believe only Telstra's needs are being catered for at this time.
This, despite the fact that the track (controlled by Lessee Genesee Wyoming Australia - a lease now disputable given GWA’s change of ownership and now re-branded as One Rail Australia) must be maintained in operational order.
Clearly a deal has been done by SA’s Marshall Government, in cahoots with GWA/ORA, to let the removal of the line happen as part of the so-called Kroemer Crossing round-about ‘improvement’.
But is that under-the-counter deal legal??
SARRA is reliably informed that those with an interest in keeping the Barossa rail-line viable for future tourist and passenger operations are taking legal action to stop the Kroemer's Crossing work proceeding until issues surrounding the matter can be determined in court.
SARRA is not part of that legal action, but we wish those pursuing the matter legally all the best in their endeavours.
We will keep you posted.
In the meantime, check out our images of Kroemer’s Crossing on Monday March 23. It is sad that a gum-tree more than a Century-old and which has stood at (what is now known as) Kroemer’s Crossing, has been marked for removal. Like the removal of the rail line and the potential killing off of Barossa train services, this iconic and historic tree is destined to be removed by the State Liberal Government - with the specific approval of THE LOCAL MP and Transport Minister Stephan Knoll. Clearly his days as the Member for Schubert are numbered…..
(click on the images below to enlarge them...then click on the left or right arrows to navigate through them....)
SARRA (and some of our supporters) visited the crossing during Monday March 23 - only to see (and be told by on-site workers) that this week will only see the removal of ‘insignificant trees’ in the way of the new roundabout (see blue-markings on trees in our pics below) - but which, more importantly, will also ultimately see the removal of a critical section of the Barossa rail track.
For those who have been following this issue, the removal of the rail track at the intersection will effectively sever the rail line from Tanunda to Nuriootpa, rendering the rail line between the two iconic Barossa towns dead and buried.
As well, something not mentioned in the hype of the 'roundabout renewal' is the loss of railway signalling infrastructure, including underground signalling cable-ducts. While signalling infrastructure would need to be refurbished in the event of the reinstatement of train services to Nuriootpa, no provision has been made to replace conduit through the crossing as part of the roundabout works. Interestingly, Telstra cabling also runs through the intersection, and replacing that ducting will be a necessity - and we believe this has been allowed for. SARRA argues that this new ducting should be of a size suitable to take new rail signalling and other rail cabling - but we believe only Telstra's needs are being catered for at this time.
This, despite the fact that the track (controlled by Lessee Genesee Wyoming Australia - a lease now disputable given GWA’s change of ownership and now re-branded as One Rail Australia) must be maintained in operational order.
Clearly a deal has been done by SA’s Marshall Government, in cahoots with GWA/ORA, to let the removal of the line happen as part of the so-called Kroemer Crossing round-about ‘improvement’.
But is that under-the-counter deal legal??
SARRA is reliably informed that those with an interest in keeping the Barossa rail-line viable for future tourist and passenger operations are taking legal action to stop the Kroemer's Crossing work proceeding until issues surrounding the matter can be determined in court.
SARRA is not part of that legal action, but we wish those pursuing the matter legally all the best in their endeavours.
We will keep you posted.
In the meantime, check out our images of Kroemer’s Crossing on Monday March 23. It is sad that a gum-tree more than a Century-old and which has stood at (what is now known as) Kroemer’s Crossing, has been marked for removal. Like the removal of the rail line and the potential killing off of Barossa train services, this iconic and historic tree is destined to be removed by the State Liberal Government - with the specific approval of THE LOCAL MP and Transport Minister Stephan Knoll. Clearly his days as the Member for Schubert are numbered…..
(click on the images below to enlarge them...then click on the left or right arrows to navigate through them....)

Barossa Council Mayor Bim Lange confirmed (on March 14, in an interview with SARRA) that his Council is actively pursuing the option of bitumenising the Barossa rail corridor from Tanunda to Nuriootpa so that driverless buses can scuttle back and forth between the two towns.
The scheme was first proposed by the Council when Anti-Rural-Rail Transport Minister (and local Barossa MP) Stephan Knoll sought Expressions of Interest for the Barossa rail corridor in September last year.
That 4-week EOI period barely gave likely proponents the ability to submit anything other than ‘sketches on the back of napkins’ proposals, with EOI experts saying that the minuscule window-of-opportunity appeared to be deliberate, allowing the anti-rural-rail Marshall Govt to say ...”Well, we made the offer, but nothing tendered was suitable....”
It was not surprising then that all EOI submissions were rejected....well, except for the Council’s submission...? And, surprise, surprise! Anti-rural-rail Knoll, who has publicly expressed his support for ‘toy buses’, saw, in the submission by the Barossa Council, its interest in driverless buses!
Was that a ‘seed’ that had been planted...or was it an original thought by Council...? We will likely never know.....
The scheme was first proposed by the Council when Anti-Rural-Rail Transport Minister (and local Barossa MP) Stephan Knoll sought Expressions of Interest for the Barossa rail corridor in September last year.
That 4-week EOI period barely gave likely proponents the ability to submit anything other than ‘sketches on the back of napkins’ proposals, with EOI experts saying that the minuscule window-of-opportunity appeared to be deliberate, allowing the anti-rural-rail Marshall Govt to say ...”Well, we made the offer, but nothing tendered was suitable....”
It was not surprising then that all EOI submissions were rejected....well, except for the Council’s submission...? And, surprise, surprise! Anti-rural-rail Knoll, who has publicly expressed his support for ‘toy buses’, saw, in the submission by the Barossa Council, its interest in driverless buses!
Was that a ‘seed’ that had been planted...or was it an original thought by Council...? We will likely never know.....

The widely-respected Barossa newspaper The Angaston Leader has reported that the owner of the Barossa Wine Train John Geber is fully frustrated by the State Governments lack of vision for rail and tourism - and its ‘do nothing’ attitude to the return of rail services to the Valley.
The paper reports that Mr Geber is ‘desperately keen’ to meet with Transport Minister Stephan Knoll, the Premier (and Tourism Minister) Steven Marshall and DPTI bureaucrats about the state of the Barossa line - but no-one is responding.
SARRA spoke independently to John Geber on the day the story went to press and can confirm that his plans are highly developed, including plans to bring the BWT back to operational standard.
But the stumbling block, as John Geber knows and as SARRA has said many times, is getting the Lessee of the Line (formerly Genesee Wyoming Australia, now known as One Rail Australia) to upgrade the track to operational standard, as the entity is required to do under its Lease with the State.
This is what Mr Geber wants to discuss with Knoll - and the brick-wall he keeps hitting is fast bringing his frustration to boiling point.
As Mr Geber points out, tourism to the Barossa is fast losing traction to the Southern Vales (spurred by Chester Osborne’s Cube) - and that the Barossa Wine Train would be an outstanding point of difference for the Barossa, where tourism business is down by close to 10%, according to local business people.
Mr Geber pointed out to SARRA (and SARRA agrees) that Knoll’s anti-rail stance has the potential to unseat him from Schubert at the next election.
If you’re in the Barossa Valley please go out and buy The Leader, read the story, and talk about it amongst your friends. For those outside the Valley, the story is available in the .PDF below.
The paper reports that Mr Geber is ‘desperately keen’ to meet with Transport Minister Stephan Knoll, the Premier (and Tourism Minister) Steven Marshall and DPTI bureaucrats about the state of the Barossa line - but no-one is responding.
SARRA spoke independently to John Geber on the day the story went to press and can confirm that his plans are highly developed, including plans to bring the BWT back to operational standard.
But the stumbling block, as John Geber knows and as SARRA has said many times, is getting the Lessee of the Line (formerly Genesee Wyoming Australia, now known as One Rail Australia) to upgrade the track to operational standard, as the entity is required to do under its Lease with the State.
This is what Mr Geber wants to discuss with Knoll - and the brick-wall he keeps hitting is fast bringing his frustration to boiling point.
As Mr Geber points out, tourism to the Barossa is fast losing traction to the Southern Vales (spurred by Chester Osborne’s Cube) - and that the Barossa Wine Train would be an outstanding point of difference for the Barossa, where tourism business is down by close to 10%, according to local business people.
Mr Geber pointed out to SARRA (and SARRA agrees) that Knoll’s anti-rail stance has the potential to unseat him from Schubert at the next election.
If you’re in the Barossa Valley please go out and buy The Leader, read the story, and talk about it amongst your friends. For those outside the Valley, the story is available in the .PDF below.

leader_march4.pdf | |
File Size: | 810 kb |
File Type: |
As you will see from our count-down clock, there's just days to go before The Overland train is due to be closed - all for the want of support to the value of a measly $300,000 from the SA Marshall Government.
Sadly the likelihood of a change of mind by SA's anti-rail Transport Minister Stephan Knoll is unlikely, with him telling 5AA's Morning presenter Leon Byner (on Wednesday 26 Feb) that his position hasn't changed. (Knoll also attempted to justify his planned privatisation of metro train services in the same interview.)
Interestingly, Byner told the Minister that from his extensive range of sources, he had heard on good authority that the Victorian Government had written to Knoll on February 20 asking him to formally declare his hand on funding of The Overland.
It caught the Minister by surprise ......
Hear the audio of Leon's interview here (runs 4mins 30secs approx)...
Sadly the likelihood of a change of mind by SA's anti-rail Transport Minister Stephan Knoll is unlikely, with him telling 5AA's Morning presenter Leon Byner (on Wednesday 26 Feb) that his position hasn't changed. (Knoll also attempted to justify his planned privatisation of metro train services in the same interview.)
Interestingly, Byner told the Minister that from his extensive range of sources, he had heard on good authority that the Victorian Government had written to Knoll on February 20 asking him to formally declare his hand on funding of The Overland.
It caught the Minister by surprise ......
Hear the audio of Leon's interview here (runs 4mins 30secs approx)...
If you care about The Overland, contact your local MP and lodge your strongest protest - and phone or email Knoll and Marshall urging them to change their minds. (Premier's office: 08 8429 3232 - email: [email protected] -- Knoll's office: (08) 7109 8430 - email: [email protected])
Please do it - The Overland has been servicing SA and Victoria for more than 130 years - KNOLL HAS BEEN 'SERVICING' SA FOR JUST 2 YEARS! Let's tell Knoll what we think - and let's make sure the Marshall Government keeps The Overland going!
Please do it - The Overland has been servicing SA and Victoria for more than 130 years - KNOLL HAS BEEN 'SERVICING' SA FOR JUST 2 YEARS! Let's tell Knoll what we think - and let's make sure the Marshall Government keeps The Overland going!
The Member for Schubert Stephan Knoll (aka the anti-rail Big Controller) has released his Summer newsletter, which hit postboxes across the Barossa today (Feb 20) - but with NOTHING in it on the debate for the return of the Barossa Wine and Commuter train - a hot topic of discussion in the community and local press over recent weeks. There was one tiny mention of the soon-to-disappear rail track through Kroemer's Crossing however...."The rail corridor will continue to be preserved....and there's nothing stopping the return of a rail service in the future." (!!) Of course, SARRA argues that the track should be replaced as part of the roundabout development - cheaper now for the State Government than at some time in the future.
The newsletter released today is shown bottom left - but note the inset! This was where most of them ended up! (the inset photo was taken of the rubbish bin outside the Williamstown Post Office...) we thought we'd help out the Big Controller and produce the front-page we'd all like to see (bottom right). This would get your newsletter read, Stephan - and your electorate would applaud you!
The newsletter released today is shown bottom left - but note the inset! This was where most of them ended up! (the inset photo was taken of the rubbish bin outside the Williamstown Post Office...) we thought we'd help out the Big Controller and produce the front-page we'd all like to see (bottom right). This would get your newsletter read, Stephan - and your electorate would applaud you!

State Transport Minister Stephan Knoll (and currently the Member of Schubert which embraces the Barossa) has put PR spin on the on-demand bus services currently being trialled in the Barossa and Mount Barker....and guess what! It's all 'sweetness and light'!
Well, that's not what we're hearing 'on the ground', certainly in the Barossa. The service is only being trialled in what we might call the 'central' (or inner) Barossa. It doesn't extend nor connect with the outer areas of the region - or provide a connector to rail services to Adelaide. This is a service devised by someone who most definitely is 'pulling the strings' from interstate and has a very limited view of our region. We can only presume therefore that the 'greater' Barossa area is not deemed to be profitable for its operators. Say no more!
BUT SARRA argues that public transport IS A RIGHT and does NOT depend on 'profitability'. It is a service, to the public - not a 'cash cow' for its operators. Public Transport is the responsibility of the STATE - not a 'plaything' to be given away to private enterprise.
Thus this 'trial' is NOT a real effort to provide the Barossa area with meaningful public transport - it's just PR to win the Liberal Government 'brownie points'! "...LOOK! WE'RE DOING SOMETHING WHEN WE'RE DOING BUGGER ALL....!"
Well, that's not what we're hearing 'on the ground', certainly in the Barossa. The service is only being trialled in what we might call the 'central' (or inner) Barossa. It doesn't extend nor connect with the outer areas of the region - or provide a connector to rail services to Adelaide. This is a service devised by someone who most definitely is 'pulling the strings' from interstate and has a very limited view of our region. We can only presume therefore that the 'greater' Barossa area is not deemed to be profitable for its operators. Say no more!
BUT SARRA argues that public transport IS A RIGHT and does NOT depend on 'profitability'. It is a service, to the public - not a 'cash cow' for its operators. Public Transport is the responsibility of the STATE - not a 'plaything' to be given away to private enterprise.
Thus this 'trial' is NOT a real effort to provide the Barossa area with meaningful public transport - it's just PR to win the Liberal Government 'brownie points'! "...LOOK! WE'RE DOING SOMETHING WHEN WE'RE DOING BUGGER ALL....!"
See the original Knoll PR poster, below left - then check out our take on a real 'reality poster', below right!!

The owner of the iconic Chateau Tanunda winery and tourist attraction, John Geber, has publicly lashed out at Transport Minister Stephan Knoll (also the local MP for the Barossa) for not doing enough to make the Barossa line operational.
Mr Geber revealed his big plans for tourism in the Barossa in The Advertiser, plans which include a $31 million 5-star hotel and cultural centre in the centre of Tanunda. AND he wants to see a train-line to the Valley to bolster tourism to the area. Mr Geber was interviewed about it by Jules Schiller on the ABC 891's Drive program on Thursday February 13 - a segment to which SARRA contributed. Schiller says he's going to pursue Knoll on the matter next week - time will tell whether Knoll will take part. In the meantime, hear the Schiller segment below!
Mr Geber revealed his big plans for tourism in the Barossa in The Advertiser, plans which include a $31 million 5-star hotel and cultural centre in the centre of Tanunda. AND he wants to see a train-line to the Valley to bolster tourism to the area. Mr Geber was interviewed about it by Jules Schiller on the ABC 891's Drive program on Thursday February 13 - a segment to which SARRA contributed. Schiller says he's going to pursue Knoll on the matter next week - time will tell whether Knoll will take part. In the meantime, hear the Schiller segment below!
THE OVERLAND IS SET TO BE ABANDONED (if the SA Government gets its way) thanks to a lack of care and interest by the Fat Controllers on North Terrace. Here's our take (tongue firmly-in-cheek) on the debacle below.....
THE MINISTER FOR (anti-rural rail) TRANSPORT and (poor) PLANNING, Stephan Knoll (aka The Chief Fat Cat Controller) has effectively abandoned The Overland Train, from this March -
all for the want of a measly $300,000 State subsidy. He's been down to the railways workshop to tell the boys... (ohh, and by the way, he's not keen on being called the 'Chief Fat Cat Controller'....) We poked our head into the workshop, and caught the boys chatting, after the Fat Controller's visit.... |
Knoll declares train services to the Barossa 'dead' - the sale of GWA appears to be up in the air - and Labor makes an effort to save The Overland! It's been an interesting start to 2020. See details below....
Knoll declares train services to the Barossa 'dead' - the sale of GWA appears to be up in the air - and Labor makes an effort to save The Overland! It's been an interesting start to 2020. See details below....
Knoll says publicly that an 'independent' summation of Expressions of Interest to do something with the Barossa rail line has found train services to the region are not viable. See more on our Facebook page. |
State Opposition Leader Peter Malinauskas launches a Poll seeking support for the continued funding of The Overland by the Marshall Government beyond March. Learn more - and how you can support the move by clicking here. |

Genesee & Wyoming Inc. announced on December 30 the completion of its previously announced sale to affiliates of Brookfield Infrastructure and and the Singaporean sovereign wealth fund, GIC. As a result, G&W’s common stock ceased trading on the New York Stock Exchange and will no longer be listed for trading on the NYSE.
So…GW no longer exists…..what does that mean for GW-AUSTRALIA (GWA)?
SARRA contacted GWA’s public relations’ consultancy for comment (see the response from GWA at THE BOTTOM of this article). In the meantime, taking into account the views of contractual and legal experts with whom we earlier discussed the (then impending) sale of G&W, the following issues (and opportunities!) present themselves - and now the sale has gone through, need answering.
First, let us quickly refresh our followers and those new to this site about G&W Australia…
THE POINT IS - what now for these abandoned rail lines in SA following the sale of G&W, the parent company?
In the lead-up to the GW sale it was publicly stated that GWA’S minor partner MIRA (Macquarie Investments - the Australian investment conglomerate) would buy GW’s stake in GWA - and that MIRA would be the new owner of the company (along with a Dutch Pension Fund).
THEN it was announced that GWA was being taken to court by Aurizon (Australia’s largest rail freight operator), claiming a 2006 deal gave it first dibs on any sale of GWA. The outcome of that action - or indeed whether the case is still proceeding - is not known at this time.
Below are (some of) the questions SARRA wants answers to, on behalf of the taxpayers of SA:
[THE RESPONSE FROM GWA received from its public relations consultancy on January 8, 2020:
"An announcement was made on the 30 December 2019 notifying the completion of the sale of Genesee & Wyoming Inc (G&W) to affiliates of Brookfield Infrastructure and GIC. The completion of the acquisition of Genesee and Wyoming Australia (GWA) by Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets (MIRA) and PGGM is expected to be completed during Quarter 1, 2020, once all conditions to the acquisition are satisfied or waived. An announcement will be sent out upon completion of the sale. All operations and business continue as normal."
Genesee & Wyoming Inc. announced on December 30 the completion of its previously announced sale to affiliates of Brookfield Infrastructure and and the Singaporean sovereign wealth fund, GIC. As a result, G&W’s common stock ceased trading on the New York Stock Exchange and will no longer be listed for trading on the NYSE.
So…GW no longer exists…..what does that mean for GW-AUSTRALIA (GWA)?
SARRA contacted GWA’s public relations’ consultancy for comment (see the response from GWA at THE BOTTOM of this article). In the meantime, taking into account the views of contractual and legal experts with whom we earlier discussed the (then impending) sale of G&W, the following issues (and opportunities!) present themselves - and now the sale has gone through, need answering.
First, let us quickly refresh our followers and those new to this site about G&W Australia…
- In 1997, GWA acquired the rights to provide rail services on regional and rural rail lines in SA - and the above-ground assets on those lines - for just $1. A key part of the Lease (which remains in force - certainly until the formal sale of GW on Dec 30) was that the rail lines it acquired had to be maintained in operational order such that trains could use the lines within a fortnight of a request being made. GWA has NOT complied with the Lease, as images on our ‘Gallery’ page here attests - and NO Government - Labor or Liberal - has ever held GWA to account for ITS BLATANT DISREGARD of the Lease conditions. Full details of this failure of government are outlined elsewhere on this website.
THE POINT IS - what now for these abandoned rail lines in SA following the sale of G&W, the parent company?
In the lead-up to the GW sale it was publicly stated that GWA’S minor partner MIRA (Macquarie Investments - the Australian investment conglomerate) would buy GW’s stake in GWA - and that MIRA would be the new owner of the company (along with a Dutch Pension Fund).
THEN it was announced that GWA was being taken to court by Aurizon (Australia’s largest rail freight operator), claiming a 2006 deal gave it first dibs on any sale of GWA. The outcome of that action - or indeed whether the case is still proceeding - is not known at this time.
Below are (some of) the questions SARRA wants answers to, on behalf of the taxpayers of SA:
[THE RESPONSE FROM GWA received from its public relations consultancy on January 8, 2020:
"An announcement was made on the 30 December 2019 notifying the completion of the sale of Genesee & Wyoming Inc (G&W) to affiliates of Brookfield Infrastructure and GIC. The completion of the acquisition of Genesee and Wyoming Australia (GWA) by Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets (MIRA) and PGGM is expected to be completed during Quarter 1, 2020, once all conditions to the acquisition are satisfied or waived. An announcement will be sent out upon completion of the sale. All operations and business continue as normal."
If you're new to the threat to The Overland train commuter service between Adelaide and Melbourne, read the stories below - then come back here to hear an interview conducted by the ABC 891's Breakfast presenter Spence Denney with the CEO of the South Australian Council for the Ageing (COTA), Jane Mussared, on New Year's Day.
Denney spoke to Mussared following his interview on New Year's eve with Transport Minister Stephan Knoll - an illuminating piece laying bare the Marshall government's total lack of understanding and 'don't give a toss' attitude to the thousands of commuters who use The Overland - and the need to revitalise regional and rural rail more generally.
If you haven't heard the New Year's eve interview, go to the 'lack of grasp' story below - then, as we said, come back here to hear COTA's view. Another burning branch under the posterior of the Transport Minister!
If you're new to the threat to The Overland train commuter service between Adelaide and Melbourne, read the stories below - then come back here to hear an interview conducted by the ABC 891's Breakfast presenter Spence Denney with the CEO of the South Australian Council for the Ageing (COTA), Jane Mussared, on New Year's Day.
Denney spoke to Mussared following his interview on New Year's eve with Transport Minister Stephan Knoll - an illuminating piece laying bare the Marshall government's total lack of understanding and 'don't give a toss' attitude to the thousands of commuters who use The Overland - and the need to revitalise regional and rural rail more generally.
If you haven't heard the New Year's eve interview, go to the 'lack of grasp' story below - then, as we said, come back here to hear COTA's view. Another burning branch under the posterior of the Transport Minister!
Those following our efforts to get the SA Government to keep The Overland train service running after March of this year (see the stories below) will continue to be astonished but not surprised by Transport Minister's Stephan Knoll's total lack of understanding of the importance of the service.
Led by bad advice from his Department DPTI (headed by a former CEO of The Overland's operator) and a lack of understanding of government's responsibility to ALL taxpayers (not just those living on the 'Northern Connector' or the pie-in-the-sky South Road Tunnel), Knoll's policy stance on The Overland 'thumbs its nose' to thousands of South Australian commuters who use The Overland to travel back and forth to Melbourne (and stops in between).
The ABC 891's Morning presenter, Spence Denney, called him to task over his views (along with the plight of elderly drivers, and his views on rural road 'patch-overs') in an extended interview on December 31, 2019. If you haven't caught up with The Overland issue so far, see the stories below....then listen to Denney's latest interview with the Minister by clicking on the audio below...
(note: edited from the extended interview, for the sake of relevance to this issue - runs 14 minutes.)
Led by bad advice from his Department DPTI (headed by a former CEO of The Overland's operator) and a lack of understanding of government's responsibility to ALL taxpayers (not just those living on the 'Northern Connector' or the pie-in-the-sky South Road Tunnel), Knoll's policy stance on The Overland 'thumbs its nose' to thousands of South Australian commuters who use The Overland to travel back and forth to Melbourne (and stops in between).
The ABC 891's Morning presenter, Spence Denney, called him to task over his views (along with the plight of elderly drivers, and his views on rural road 'patch-overs') in an extended interview on December 31, 2019. If you haven't caught up with The Overland issue so far, see the stories below....then listen to Denney's latest interview with the Minister by clicking on the audio below...
(note: edited from the extended interview, for the sake of relevance to this issue - runs 14 minutes.)
![]() Our exclusive tip-off last week that the Andrews Government would extend funding to keep The Overland running until March 2020 was confirmed (Friday December 27) by the Victorian Government.
But unlike the 12 months just past where the Vics funded the service for the year in the absence of the SA Govt stumping up the paltry $300,000 (per annum) subsidy to keep the service running, the Vics this time around are offering only a 3-month lifeline. SARRA’s Convenor Paul Henley welcomed and congratulated the Victorian Government for its persistence in trying to keep The Overland running - and utterly condemned the South Australian Government for not, again, meeting its commitments to a vital public transport and tourism service between two of Australia’s most important Capital cities. SEE MORE OF OUR COMMENTS AND HOW YOU CAN HELP SAVE THE OVERLAND FOR THE LONG TERM, GET OUR .PDF ON THE MATTER BY CLICKING THE LOGO BELOW..... ![]()
Transport Minister Stephan Knoll has displayed how out of touch he is with his portfolio - or his blind acceptance of the bad advice he is getting from his Department (DPTI) - in his response to the Victorians' hope that the SA Govt will see sense and play its part in financially supporting The Overland beyond March 2020.
Knoll has come out in as many words and said that The Overland is a 'tourist' train and NOT a 'commuter' train serving inland South Australia and Victoria along its route. It's hard to believe isn't it? Check this quick video news story below, carried on NWS9 NEWS ON DECEMBER 28..... It's interesting that the head of DPTI, Tony Braxton-Smith, is the former CEO of DREAMWORLD (??) in QLD, AND the former CEO of GREAT SOUTHERN RAIL (now re-branded 'Journey Beyond') the operator of The Overland! What does he know about the average 'train commuter'? GSR/JB is ONLY interested in tourists who can afford the multi-thousand dollar tickets to travel the Outback! Let's show the Minister and DPTI that there are other travellers (not just tourists) who rely on - and enjoy - The OVERLAND service! JUST WHAT ADVICE IS THE MINISTER BEING GIVEN? At this rate, KNOLL WILL (deservedly) BE ROLLED AT THE NEXT POLL!
NEWS FLASH - 20 Dec 2019!
SARRA understands from its sources that the Victorian Government is about to announce that it will continue to fund The Overland service through to the end of March 2020.
If this is so, this is good news - albeit a small 3-month lifeline, as welcome as it is, for the 130 year old service.
Details of what happens beyond March 2020 may be included in the announcement from the Victorians, which, we understand, may be made later today.
If this is so, this is good news - albeit a small 3-month lifeline, as welcome as it is, for the 130 year old service.
Details of what happens beyond March 2020 may be included in the announcement from the Victorians, which, we understand, may be made later today.
If the reprieve is on, it gives us THREE MONTHS to bring serious pressure on the anti-rail SA Marshall Government to play its part by providing the funding to carry the service forward for another 12 months.
As you all know, only $300,000 is required - this, at a time when the Marshall Government has just promised some $10m to launch the questionable intra-regional ‘Uber-bus’ experiment (which has failed elsewhere) and $20m to prop up the dying horse-racing industry! Remember, you heard it first from SARRA!
As you all know, only $300,000 is required - this, at a time when the Marshall Government has just promised some $10m to launch the questionable intra-regional ‘Uber-bus’ experiment (which has failed elsewhere) and $20m to prop up the dying horse-racing industry! Remember, you heard it first from SARRA!